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What is Addiction Medicine?

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what is addiction medicine

What is Addiction Medicine?

What is Addiction Medicine? It is a specialty medical field that involves diagnosis and treatment as part of comprehensive care for addiction and substance use disorder. Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain “that often involves cycles of relapse and remission, and without treatment, is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.” Practitioners use a wide range of prevention, evaluation, and evidence-based treatment modalities. Additionally, Addiction Medicine is most effective when professionals employ it within a bio-psycho-social framework to treat substance use disorder.

What are the Range of Interventions and Treatment Modalities?

When it comes to Addiction Medicine, the most effective elements include:

How Does Gateway Provide Support?

During their time at our Gateway drug and alcohol treatment centers, each patient will have access to a professional team that includes:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Therapists
  • Counselors

Why Does Gateway Specialize in Addiction Medicine?


Addiction Medicine is a comprehensive approach to treatment that takes into account biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. Therefore, it is logical that Gateway would embrace this. Since we are experts in evidence-based and science-based treatments, we understand how to address the complex needs of our patients. We draw from the strength of science, allowing our staff to practice innovative and personalized treatment modalities that lead to transformative outcomes. Our dedicated counselors and certified clinicians treat all patients from every walk of life while providing the best care possible.

More About Gateway

No two individuals who seek addiction treatment programs will have the same needs. For this reason, Gateway offers numerous treatment resources to help all individuals learn about addiction and start making changes. Some examples include:

At Gateway, we realize there’s a significant link between mental illness and addiction. In some cases, individuals who began using did so in an effort to self-medicate a mental health condition. In other situations, some patients developed a mental health issue as a result of substance abuse. Regardless of which issue came first, we offer Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs to ensure that patients can overcome these co-occurring disorders.

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To learn more about how Addiction Medicine can help you overcome drug or alcohol addiction, give Gateway a call.