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OCD Treatments in Illinois

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Occasionally, everyone has some obsessive thoughts or concerns about their safety or that of their loved ones. However, if a person has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), these thoughts can feel so overwhelming that they interfere with normal daily work and responsibilities.

For instance, someone with OCD may feel like going back home to ensure they locked their door, or they may feel compelled to wash their hands every hour because they’re concerned about getting sick. These thoughts can hinder work and progress in the workplace and school, leading to unemployment and academic failure.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms are signs of serious mental illness. Statistics reveal that between 2 to 3 million adults in the U.S. have OCD. Unfortunately, only a small fraction of them receive treatment. One vital step toward obsessive-compulsive disorder recovery involves seeking treatment through reputable OCD treatment centers that also treat co-occurring disorders such as drug or alcohol addiction.

Woman sitting on couch looking out window

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is classified as a mental anxiety disorder that causes distressing, intrusive and unfounded thoughts. This mental health condition can also make the person exhibit compulsive, repetitive behaviors that hinder their lives.

Types of OCD

Mental health experts believe OCD is a chronic, lifelong mental disorder that’s classified into:


These are uncontrollable, disturbing impulses, images and thoughts that consume the mind. For instance, a person suffering from OCD may find it extremely difficult to relinquish thoughts of a loved one or child dying or getting hurt in an auto crash. These thoughts may occur all day.


These are rituals or repeated actions that a person with OCD does. Examples include constantly checking that a stove is turned off or the front door is locked. Individuals perform such tasks with great attention to detail, but they find it very difficult to break free from these actions.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

OCD includes a wide range of signs and symptoms. Most of them are in the form of obsessive fear and repeated actions. Some common symptoms include:

The fear of:

  • Contacting disease through germs
  • Unclean environments or substances
  • Injuring oneself or others
  • A loved one getting harmed
  • Becoming sick
  • Losing precious possessions
  • Committing a religious offense

Other symptoms include an obsession with:

  • Superstitious beliefs about specific numbers
  • Counting things
  • Symmetry in objects
  • Sexual words or images

Some of the repetitive, compulsive actions in people with OCD include:

  • Showering and tooth-brushing
  • Cleaning the home or office
  • Placing things in a particular order based on size or color
  • Looking over work for mistakes
  • Checking the skin or hair for flaws
  • Keeping items that have no value to anyone

Whether these fears are real or not, they consume a great deal of mental and physical energy. If you notice your loved one has any of these symptoms, then you need to persuade them to seek obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment immediately.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment

Treating OCD as a co-occurring disorder can be challenging for patients. Going into OCD centers in Chicago may create an initial fear of the unknown. However, it provides life-changing opportunities. At Gateway, for instance, we offer dual diagnosis treatment that handles the symptoms and needs of people with OCD. This makes it easy for patients to follow through with their rehab program to full recovery.

Some of the effective Chicago OCD treatment approaches that lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder recovery include:

Antidepressant Medication

Antidepressant drugs are used to treat this disorder. Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors are effective drugs for treating OCD. When patients start this medication-assisted treatment for OCD, they can focus on recovery when they’re also going through some form of behavioral correction therapy.

Family Therapy

Providing education for loved ones is an important aspect of recovery. Counseling sessions can help a patient’s family members understand the nature of OCD and learn how to help their loved one fully recover.

Woman talking in a group therapy session

How to Get Help for OCD

If your loved one has obsessive-compulsive disorder, then you need to find a treatment program that specializes in treating OCD as well as addiction. Gateway offers effective dual diagnosis treatment programs that work for both OCD and addiction. We’ve been providing life-saving addiction treatment with proven results in Illinois for over 50 years.

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Gateway is Here to Help

Give us a call at our OCD treatment center in Chicago at 877–377–2027 or send a message to us through our contact page now.

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