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Valium® Addiction Treatment

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Valium® Addiction Treatment

Valium® is a medication commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, insomnia and several other medical conditions. When used as directed by a doctor, it can be very effective. However, when used in increasing amounts or against a doctor’s orders, Valium® can cause dependence and addiction. Due to its widespread recreational use and household name, Valium® addiction affects many people worldwide.

Substance use disorder is a complicated and challenging disease. It affects millions of people and can be devastating emotionally, physically and economically. Fortunately, Valium® addiction is also highly treatable. Through inpatient or outpatient care, you can begin the process of healing. Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment options if you or a loved one is dealing with Valium® addiction.

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You Don’t Need To Fight Addiction Alone

Overcoming a substance misuse disorder is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Find supportive, evidence-based treatment at Gateway Foundation.

What Is Valium®?

Diazepam, better known by the brand name Valium®, is a prescription medication used to treat several conditions. Valium® belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. Other drugs in this class include alprazolam (Xanax®), lorazepam (Ativan®) and clorazepate (Tranxene®).

Primarily, Valium® is taken orally in pill form to treat conditions such as:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle spasms
  • Alcohol withdrawal
  • Seizures

Due to its sedative properties, many people are prescribed Valium® to relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress. Others use Valium® illicitly due to its fast relaxing, calming properties.

What Is Valium®?

It’s estimated that over 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from anxiety disorders, which might explain why diazepam is available in around 500 brands worldwide and used in several different formulations. Additionally, benzodiazepines can treat convulsions and seizures and relax muscles. For these reasons, doctors often prescribe Valium® for mental health disorders such as:

  • Panic disorder
  • General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder

Valium® works by stimulating the central nervous system and activating the neurotransmitter GABA, which is responsible for electrical and chemical activity in the brain. People with conditions such as anxiety or panic disorder cannot produce enough GABA to relax their excitability. For this reason, Valium® is often used to treat these conditions by keeping panic and stress under control.

When taken orally, most people will feel the effects of Valium® within an hour. Others can feel the drug take effect in just 15 to 30 minutes. Since Valium® is fast-acting, many take this medication to alleviate their symptoms quickly. However, when taken at high doses or in combination with alcohol or other sedative drugs, it can produce a euphoric high, making Valium® addictive for many people.

Signs and Symptoms of Valium® Addiction

Benzodiazepine addiction is characterized by a physical and psychological dependence that results in withdrawal when attempting to stop or reduce the substance. Addiction tends to occur in stages.

You might notice your loved one has begun taking higher doses of the medication than prescribed to help them sleep or relieve their anxiety. Eventually, they might request more refills on their prescription while taking it more frequently than usual. They may find themselves preoccupied with obtaining Valium® and show signs of psychological dependence.

They may unknowingly develop an unhealthy pattern of substance use and experience harmful and uncomfortable side effects when attempting to stop. They’ll do whatever they can to acquire more medication, no matter the costs. This only causes a downward spiral that can be challenging to escape.

While the initial signs and symptoms might be tricky to spot, the faster the person can receive help, the more severe complications they’ll avoid. You’ll want to watch for specific indicators of addiction in your loved one. Typically someone suffering from Valium® addiction will display physical, behavioral and mental changes and symptoms:

Physical Signs and Symptoms

Since Valium® is a tranquilizing medication that affects the central nervous system, initial symptoms of addiction tend to reflect this suppression. Valium® abuse can affect vital bodily functions like brain and nerve activity, respiration, digestion and heartbeat.

Physical symptoms of Valium® addiction can include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Shallow breathing
  • Impaired motor coordination
  • Pale skin
  • Confusion

Physical Signs and Symptoms

The effects of diazepam in those who heavily use this medication are quite similar to alcohol intoxication. Watch for signs of injury caused by accidents or falls. This could indicate problems with their motor coordination. Watch for more worsening symptoms, such as:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tremors
  • Dry mouth
  • Slurred speech

Valium® addiction can cause various health and safety hazards, such as overdose, seizure or respiratory depression. And when this medication is combined with other substances, the risk of overdose increases. That’s why it’s essential to get help right away if you or a loved begins to experience these symptoms while taking Valium®.

Behavioral Changes

Behavioral Changes

Most people struggling with substance use disorder will display specific behavioral changes. Watch your loved one for unusual behavior such as:

  • Misusing medication: Addiction usually begins when individuals take more of their prescription than prescribed. If your loved one seems to need refills earlier than expected or frequently leaves to seek more medication, this is a huge red flag. You might also notice your loved one injecting, snorting or crushing their pills to get a more potent effect or taking their medication with other substances, such as alcohol. Combining substances is a sign of addiction and poses serious health problems.
  • Changes in daily routine: Another common indicator of substance use disorder is a change in daily habits. Since Valium® can cause drowsiness and fatigue, you might notice a loved one avoiding daily tasks — even just taking care of basic needs can feel like a chore. They may skip school or work and spend most of their time searching for more drugs.
  • Avoidance and social isolation: Substance use disorder can cause anger and irritability as addicted individuals find it harder to control their lives and sustain their addiction. This can result in them lashing out angrily, creating a rift between themselves and family members or friends. If you notice your loved one retreating from social activities and exhibiting avoidance behaviors, it may be time for them to seek professional help.
  • Asking for money: You might also notice sudden financial difficulties arise in your loved one. Those addicted to Valium® can often go through financial strain to supply and sustain their drug use. They may resort to buying drugs off the street if they cannot get their doctor to refill their prescription, for instance, and may ask you for money or begin stealing. Also, watch for unusual behavior such as lying about their finances or selling prized possessions.

Psychological Symptoms

When taken as directed, Valium® can be very helpful in treating symptoms of mental illness. However, long-term use or misuse of this drug can do the exact opposite, disrupting the central nervous system and causing symptoms such as:

  • Poor judgment
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nightmares or hallucinations

Psychological Symptoms

After the central nervous system has adjusted to diazepam to regulate its electrical activity, a tolerance can grow into a dependency that can wreak havoc on the brain. These harmful side effects are likely to worsen the longer the addiction continues, so it’s essential to seek professional help if you experience these psychological symptoms.

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Don’t Ignore The Signs

Valium® misuse destroys lives. Get the support you need to help yourself or your loved one break free of Valium® addiction.

What Causes Valium® Addiction?

While the exact cause of substance use disorder is unknown, experts believe it could come down to many factors. Genetics, the drug itself, co-occurring mental conditions and environmental factors are all believed to increase an individual’s risk of developing a Valium® addiction. Of course, the likelihood of becoming addicted to Valium® differs from person to person. However, the more risk factors an individual has, the more likely drug use could become an addiction.

Taking Valium® in Different Ways Than Prescribed

Valium® can become more addictive depending on how it’s taken. Some might crush and inject their medication to achieve more potent effects.

It’s also essential to recognize that anyone taking Valium® can develop an addiction, even when using it as directed by a physician. Others might take their medication more frequently or with alcohol if they’ve had a stressful day and are trying to cope with their daily lives. This can cause dangerous side effects and lead to addiction without the individual even realizing it.

Due to its chemical makeup, the drug itself can also cause dependency and lead to substance use disorder. Although benzodiazepines were once considered to have a low potential for dependency, many people have experienced withdrawal symptoms when taking the medication for more extended periods, even when using them as prescribed by a doctor. That’s why doctors usually direct their patients to taper Valium® use slowly rather than stopping use quickly.

Environmental Factors

Studies have linked environmental factors and life stressors as contributing to substance use disorder. These factors might include:

  • Lack of parental supervision in childhood: One of the most vital factors shown to influence addictive behavior is early life experiences. Parenting styles, interactions and level of supervision can all play a role in mental illnesses such as substance use. Additionally, experiencing physical, emotional or sexual abuse can increase the likelihood of developing substance use disorder later in life. The strategies we use to cope with stress can become maladaptive in childhood in the face of adversity and lead to risky and addictive behavior.
  • Availability of drugs at school: When you’re surrounded by social interactions involving substance use, it can be difficult to avoid them. We all want to feel that sense of belonging, and being around people who misuse drugs can ultimately play a part in influencing someone to take drugs and maintain their addiction.
  • Community poverty: While poverty doesn’t directly cause addiction, the stress caused by living in poverty, losing a job, having a high-stress job or simply trying to make ends meet can undoubtedly lead to addiction and vice versa. When you’re constantly worried about affording food, shelter and basic needs, you might find stress relief in drugs or alcohol. At the same time, you might become impoverished by selling your assets and savings to supply and maintain your addiction.

Biological Factors

A lesser-known fact about addiction risk factors is the role that genetics can play. Our environment plays a crucial role in our development later in life, and research has shown the ways environmental factors can change our DNA and lead to addictive behaviors. These changes can account for nearly 40% to 60% of a person’s risk for addiction.

Biological factors that might affect a person’s likelihood of developing addiction include genes, stage of development and even gender or ethnicity.

Co-Occurring Mental Disorders

Co-Occurring Mental Disorders

Research has shown a strong link between substance use disorder and other mental illnesses. People at risk of depression or anxiety, for example, are at a higher risk of developing substance use disorder, while the reverse is also true.

When patients receive medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for addiction, professionals notice that most patients also exhibit signs of other mental illnesses. The most common mental disorders seen in MAT include:

  • Anxiety and mood disorders
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

As stated, drug use tends to develop in early adolescence and is affected by a person’s ability to cope with external stressors. When a teen or young adult experiences mental illness, they may find it challenging to deal with the effects and turn to substances to alleviate the pain.

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Valium® Addiction

Anyone taking Valium®, whether for recreational use or as prescribed by a doctor, is at risk of developing an addiction. With more than 30 million Americans using benzodiazepines today, it’s crucial to recognize the short- and long-term consequences of Valium® addiction.

Addiction is characterized by:

  • Taking more Valium® than prescribed.
  • Taking Valium® more frequently than prescribed.
  • Taking Valium® without a prescription to experience a high or modify other substances’ effects.

Valium® addiction can have detrimental effects on a person’s physical and mental health, and it can be fatal. This risk increases when a person combines Valium® with other substances or depressants like alcohol.

Short-Term Symptoms

Since the initial effects of Valium® can provide pleasant sedation, many people will continue to misuse the drug and take higher doses of the medication to achieve these initial effects. These desirable effects sought after by those misusing Valium® include:

  • Intense happiness or euphoria
  • Lowered stress
  • Increased mental and physical relaxation
  • Drowsiness

When taken longer than directed by a physician, the desirable effects will diminish as the body develops a physical tolerance to the drug. Side effects commonly reported are fatigue, muscle weakness and ataxia or loss of balance.

Short-Term Symptoms

The sedative effects of Valium® can last longer in older adults and cause injuries or accidental falls when taken by older adults or combined with alcohol. Valium® also affects the central nervous system with symptoms that will continually worsen the longer the individual takes it. These side effects can include:

  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Slurred speech
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo

In addition to these symptoms, Valium® addiction can extend to a person’s mental health and cause distressing symptoms like:

  • Hallucinations
  • Nightmares
  • Anxiety
  • Aggressiveness
  • Anger
  • Sleeping problems
  • Delusions

Other short-term symptoms include:

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Blurred vision
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Difficulty urinating

When used as directed, Valium® can help treat various conditions. However, long-term misuse can cause many harmful side effects.

Long-Term Effects

Long-Term Effects

The long-term use of diazepam can lead to a lower quality of life by significantly impacting one’s mental and physical health. Valium® addiction is linked to symptoms of tolerance, dependence and withdrawal:

  • Tolerance: Tolerance develops as the individual continues to misuse Valium® or combine it with various substances like alcohol, opioids or other benzodiazepines. As the body adapts to the drug, it will need more of the medication to get the same effects. Many people increase their dosage or take it more frequently when this occurs.
  • Dependence: While continually taking the medication, the body will need it at all times to function. While physical dependence is typical at first, it may also signify that an individual is developing an addiction. Psychological dependence can take a toll on a person’s mental health and affect the people around them. 
  • Withdrawal: When a person attempts to stop taking Valium® or dramatically decreases their dose after taking it for so long, the withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and even life-threatening. 

Withdrawal symptoms of long-term Valium® use can include:

  • Severe anxiety
  • Depressed or irritable mood
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Panic
  • Extreme sensitivity to light
  • Inability to sleep
  • Restlessness
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Experiencing these symptoms is often enough for a person to continue misusing Valium®. Eventually, a physical dependence can turn into an addiction or the compulsive desire to get and use more of the substance, no matter the consequences. 

Long-term Valium® misuse can harm the victims’ livelihood and affect their:

  • Social and family relationships
  • Financial status and stability
  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Ability to maintain employment


Anyone who develops a tolerance to Valium® has a risk of overdose. It can occur by accidentally taking more than the prescribed amount or attempting to quit the medication and restarting at the exact dosage as before. Since tolerance drops after stopping the drug, consuming too much can be lethal. It’s essential to know the signs and symptoms so you can call for immediate medical help if you believe someone is experiencing an overdose. 


Since Valium® is fast-acting, early signs of an overdose might appear similar to the side effects of regular use. Signs and symptoms of an overdose include:

  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness
  • Excitability
  • Rash
  • Weakness or impaired motor function
  • Tremor
  • Stomach upset
  • Slowed breathing
  • Reduced heart rate

Anyone who takes diazepam at a higher dosage than prescribed or with other substances has an increased risk of overdose. The risk significantly increases when using diazepam with other substances that depress the central nervous system, such as alcohol, with the combined harmful effect on respiration and heart rate. A person may experience shallow breathing or irregular heartbeat, especially when taking Valium® with opioids or alcohol.

An overdose can lead to a coma or death if left untreated. When you call for an emergency, try to have the following information at the ready:

  • The person’s age, weight and condition
  • Name of drug, ingredients and strength
  • Time the person took the medication
  • The amount they took 
  • Whether a doctor prescribed the medication
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Recover from Addiction at an Accredited Drug Addiction Treatment Center

Receive high-quality care for Valium® addiction treatment from Gateway Foundation, one of the nation’s leading rehab facilities.

How to Know When It’s Time for Treatment

If you’re struggling with Valium® addiction, you might not even recognize that you need help. You might believe you can control your drug use on your own without realizing the emotional toll it takes on your loved ones.

How to Know When It's Time for Treatment

If you’ve reached a point where your addiction has taken over your life, you’ll need professional treatment and support. Physicians can safely guide you through recovery and help you escape the cycle of addiction.

If you believe your loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, closely examine their behaviors and any life changes to determine whether they need treatment. Look for signs and symptoms such as:

  • Needing early refills of their medication
  • Taking Valium® with other substances
  • Taking Valium® in other ways than directed by a doctor, such as crushing and snorting the tablets
  • Risk-taking behaviors
  • Less interest in hobbies or interests
  • Social isolation and withdrawing from loved ones
  • Financial and legal troubles
  • Unsuccessful attempts to quit the medication

Valium® addiction can negatively impact the most significant parts of a person’s life and cause long-term mental and physical health problems.

If you’re unsure whether you have a problem, physicians can examine and diagnose you with Valium® addiction. If the physical and mental dependence from Valium® addiction begins to take over your life, you might find it increasingly difficult to quit. The withdrawal symptoms can be too much to overcome on your own, so you should seek medical services.

While it’s never too late to seek treatment, getting help as soon as possible increases your chances of overcoming this complex disease.

Types of Treatment for Valium® Addiction

Types of Treatment for Valium® Addiction

Valium® can cause seizures when attempting withdrawal, so it’s beneficial for most people to attend formal addiction treatment programs for their Valium® addiction.

A Valium® treatment facility provides a team of qualified medical professionals who can help you safely rid your body of substances. You’ll also receive comprehensive therapy to identify the root causes of your addiction and learn the necessary life skills to maintain sobriety.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Valium® addiction, learn how medicines, hospital-based care and outpatient or inpatient addiction treatment programs can help.

Hospital-Based Care

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) combines medical help with addiction services. You might utilize these programs if you need help with severe health issues, such as co-occurring mental health disorders or multiple addictions.

Partial hospitalization programs can help you taper off Valium® or other substances while working through mental health issues with professionals.


Dependence can cause a person to experience harmful and uncomfortable side effects when attempting to quit the drug. That’s why you should never attempt to quit Valium® “cold turkey” after struggling with long-term misuse. Doing so can cause seizures or heart failure. Severe mental effects like delirium or hallucinations can also occur during Valium® withdrawal.

As a result, medical professionals will safely wean you from the drug and help you avoid debilitating symptoms. You’ll receive medicines that reduce withdrawal symptoms and simultaneously treat you for other mental conditions as needed.

Inpatient Care

If you choose inpatient care, you’ll live at a residential treatment facility and follow a comprehensive recovery plan for your Valium® addiction. Inpatient programs allow people struggling with substance use disorder to live and interact with like-minded individuals in group therapy sessions. You’ll also get help from professionals who can provide medicine and therapy sessions to help you overcome triggers.

Inpatient Care

At a residential treatment facility, you’ll have the opportunity to focus solely on your recovery while learning from peers and counselors. The structured inpatient treatment environment will help you avoid situations that cause substance use. At the same time, the nutritious meals and wellness activities offered in recovery promote an overall healthier lifestyle.

Inpatient programs vary in length, though they typically provide a step-down approach where you gain more autonomy the longer you’re in treatment. 

Therapy and Support Groups

Therapy and social support play a crucial role in addiction recovery. Trained counselors and licensed therapists can help you pinpoint the potential causes of your addiction and create a plan to overcome them. Several forms of therapy and support for Valium® addiction involve: 

  • Motivational interviewing: Therapists can provide the motivation and inspiration you need to address your issues and enter recovery with a positive mindset. In motivational interviews, you’ll be asked to imagine the benefits of sobriety, giving you the confidence to move forward with a healthy recovery plan.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): In CBT, specialists can help you determine why you may have turned to Valium® for relief. You’ll learn how to address your stressors healthily and gain the tools necessary to overcome triggers following the end of treatment. Therapists can also help treat co-existing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. 
  • 12-step groups: Substance use disorder is a chronic disease that requires lifelong treatment. In 12-step programs, you’ll have the support of peers going through the same problems. You can establish goals in 12-step meetings and work on improving your overall physical and mental health with the help of others. 
  • Support groups: Support groups provide a safe and non-judgemental environment to discuss your goals and any setbacks throughout the recovery process. You’ll meet with peers and a group leader, such as a counselor or therapist, who can offer tips and support as you navigate the world of recovery. 

Outpatient Care 

If you’ve already undergone inpatient care, outpatient programs are generally recommended to help you meet your ongoing treatment needs. Outpatient services provide flexibility for those who cannot live at a treatment facility by allowing patients to go to work, school or take care of family members while receiving Valium® addiction treatment. 

Outpatient programs tend to be more affordable, though less intensive than inpatient care since patients will typically attend treatment and therapy sessions on an as-needed basis throughout the week. patients can meet with therapists, attend group counseling or receive MAT while in outpatient care. 

The Process of Treating Valium® Addiction

Early treatment can prevent the mental, physical and social consequences of Valium® addiction. While the road to recovery can take several forms and require many tries, getting the best care possible at an addiction treatment center provides the strongest chance of a successful recovery. Since Valium® is a long-acting benzodiazepine, it can take a while for the body to readjust after quitting the drug. For this reason, you’ll want to address your addiction recovery both medically and professionally under the supervision of physicians and therapists.

The Process of Treating Valium® Addiction

The National Institute on Drug Abuse lists MAT and psychotherapy programs as effective plans for treating addiction. The MAT approach involves safely and gradually managing the withdrawal process with other medications. Withdrawal is often the most challenging part of addiction recovery, and MAT can help you relieve your symptoms and better prepare you for the healing process.

Whether you undergo inpatient or outpatient addiction services, the main goal of these programs is to help you reach and maintain sobriety while improving your overall quality of life. You’ll treat your withdrawal and achieve sobriety, and you’ll learn ongoing care methods to stay sober and healthy post-treatment.

The path to Valium® addiction recovery typically involves:

  • Professional evaluation: When you enter an outpatient or inpatient Valium® addiction treatment center, physicians will evaluate you medically to determine the best course of treatment for your needs. They’ll assess the level of Valium® in your body and develop a detox plan with you. You might receive a medical assessment at a hospital or clinic.
  • Medical detox: Medical professionals will administer a medical detox to safely and comfortably remove the drugs from your body.
  • Inpatient program: After detoxification, patients will typically enter a residential or inpatient program designed to keep them on a healthy path moving forward. Inpatient programs provide individual and group therapy sessions as well as healthy activities and hobbies to improve the mind and body.
  • Outpatient care or ongoing treatment: patients might opt for outpatient care after detox or use it as ongoing treatment following inpatient care. Ongoing treatment might also involve attending 12-step group meetings and continuing psychotherapy sessions post-treatment.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Valium® Addiction

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Valium® Addiction

Recovering from substance use disorder can seem like an overwhelming task, but with the support of professionals, you’ll face an easier, smoother journey ahead. It’s important to recognize that several people are rooting for you in your path to sobriety. A treatment provider will take a compassionate approach to helping you get sober and stay sober.

Various benefits of Valium® addiction treatment include:

Break the Cycle of Addiction

Most people who struggle with substance use disorder live unpredictable lives filled with ups and downs. The structure of treatment centers can help you get your life back on track. Addiction treatment centers foster a comfortable drug-free environment where you’ll be held accountable to stay sober and meet important life goals.

In treatment facilities, counselors encourage healthy routines and coping mechanisms to help you avoid relapses. You’ll address underlying mental health concerns and gain the necessary resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-treatment.

Treat Underlying Conditions

Once you’ve safely detoxed, you can think more clearly and start addressing the root causes of your addiction. Professionals will help you discover the situations, events or people who may have played a role in your substance use and help you overcome these triggers in therapy. 

Perhaps your addiction stems from trauma or other mental health conditions. Maybe you used drugs to avoid troubling situations or cope with stressful life changes. Whatever the cause, you’ll learn how certain situations might play a role in your addiction so you can properly address them and lead a happier life free of substance misuse.

Gain a Sense of Belonging 

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a support system. When you enter rehabilitation, you’ll be welcomed by counselors, peers and physicians eager to hear from you. The friendships made at addiction centers will help you through your recovery and motivate you down a healthy path after treatment.

Peers and health professionals can support you as you achieve goals and learn healthy habits. You can also offer your own support, learn from their stories and work to maintain sobriety together. A Valium® treatment facility can provide the sense of acceptance and belonging that you need to reach a successful recovery. 

Build Healthy Habits

At a treatment facility, you can learn healthy habits to get you through tough times and avoid relapses. Fun and healthy activities offered by a treatment provider might include:

  • Exercise
  • Art therapy
  • Hiking
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Group games and sports

These activities will foster team-building as you replace substance use habits with healthy ones. You’ll strengthen relationships with peers and improve your physical and mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Valium® Addiction Treatment

Some of the most common questions and answers about Valium® addiction treatment are as follows:

How Successful Is Treatment?

Many people will need to receive treatment several times to overcome their addiction. A strong support system of peers, friends and family can make a big difference in a successful recovery.

It’s also important to receive treatment for co-occurring disorders alongside addiction treatment for it to work.

What Medications Are Used in Treatment?

The professionals at Gateway Foundation can safely administer medicines like Vivitrol® or Suboxone® to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of Valium®. These medicines can help safely taper substances from the body so patients can move through the recovery process more comfortably.

How Long Does It Take to Detox From Valium®?

Withdrawal symptoms will typically be more severe the more prolonged and more frequent the doses of Valium® you were taking. For this reason, a medical detox might take weeks to several months. Abruptly quitting poses several health risks, so following a professional detox is always recommended.

Get Treatment for Valium® Addiction at Gateway Foundation


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Get Treatment for Valium® Addiction at Gateway Foundation

Seeking drug recovery is a courageous move, but you don’t need to go at it alone. Through our customized inpatient or outpatient treatment programs, you’ll gain the confidence and encouragement you need to recover from addiction. We foster an environment of compassion and discretion to help you improve your well-being and continue down a healthy path following treatment. To learn more about our treatment programs, contact us today.

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