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Percocet® Addiction Drug Rehabilitation Treatment  

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Percocet® Addiction Drug Rehabilitation Treatment

Substance use disorder impacts people of all backgrounds across the country. Around 53 million individuals 12 and above used illicit drugs or misused prescription medications within 2020. With millions of people using substances, the potential for developing an addiction increases. Quality treatment centers are essential for numerous types of drugs, including Percocet®.

Individuals struggling with addiction or who find themselves dependent on a drug like Percocet® should find a rehabilitation center to help halt their use of the substance. Learn more about Percocet®, how it’s misused and where you can find effective treatment. 


What Is Percocet®?

Percocet® contains a combination of the opioid oxycodone and the pain reliever acetaminophen. Doctors prescribe it as a short-term treatment to relieve moderate to severe pain that doesn’t respond to other pain treatments. However, this medicine can cause addiction in both misuse and prescribed use.

Acetaminophen: A Common Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

Acetaminophen helps reduce fevers and relieve pain. This over-the-counter pain medication is the active ingredient in Tylenol. While this medication does not have habit-forming properties, it can still produce some negative health effects in high doses. Liver damage is one of the unwanted health effects of large amounts of acetaminophen.

Oxycodone: The Opioid in Percocet®

Oxycodone is the opioid in Percocet® that helps relieve more intense pain than traditional pain relievers. This substance is a part of the narcotic analgesics group of medicines. This opioid’s characteristics are what make Percocet® a potentially addictive substance. The effects of oxycodone are strengthened with the addition of acetaminophen, creating a useful pain reliever that’s also potentially harmful to a person with high risks of substance use disorder.

Classification and Availability of Percocet®

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has classified Percocet® as a Schedule II drug — meaning it has a high potential for misuse and severe addiction, but it still has some accepted medical uses. Percocet® is one of the brand-name medications of oxycodone and acetaminophen and is only available in tablet form. Four types of Percocet® are available for patients with varying levels of oxycodone concentration. The Percocet® tablets have several different appearances, depending on the dose:

  • Capsule yellow tablets with 10 mg/325 mg
  • Oval peach tablets with 7.5 mg/325 mg
  • Round blue tablets with 5 mg/325 mg
  • Oval pink tablets with 2.5 mg/325 mg

These descriptions of Percocet® are only relevant to the Percocet® brand medication. If an individual has a prescription for the generic version of Percocet®, the pills may have a different appearance.

Side Effects and Risks of Percocet® Misuse

Side Effects and Risks of Percocet® Misuse

Individuals who misuse or have a prescription for Percocet® may begin to experience physical, psychological and behavioral effects. The side effects of using this substance can cause potential harm to your body or overall health. As individuals continue to use Percocet®, the side effects can grow into more intense symptoms or long-term health issues. 

Side Effects of Percocet® Use

If you or someone you care about is experiencing any side effects from regular Percocet® use, it’s helpful to reach out to a medical professional to take the proper steps for treatment. People who use Percocet® for recreational or medical reasons can experience side effects ranging from mild to severe, such as:

  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Confusion
  • Slower breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Shallow breathing
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Flushed face
  • Fatigue
  • Small pupils
  • Poor coordination
  • Lightheaded
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased thirst
  • Fever
  • Hypothermia
  • Seizures
  • Chest pain
  • Urination problems
  • Jaundice
  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations

Risks During Pregnancy

Another health aspect to consider when using Percocet® is its negative effects during pregnancy on and the pregnant person. Using Percocet® during pregnancy can increase the baby’s risk of developing birth defects.

Side Effects and Risks of Percocet® Misuse in Elderly Individuals

Elderly individuals should also be conscious of the negative health effects Percocet® can produce. The side effects can be stronger for older individuals and increase the development of respiratory problems.

Interaction with Alcohol

The side effects of consuming alcohol while using Percocet® can become more intense and harmful for the body. A person’s risk for liver failure will increase with the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen in Percocet®. Prolonged polydrug use with Percocet® and alcohol can potentially cause long-term liver damage or failure because of intense stress on the organ. 

Risks of Overdose

A Percocet® overdose can become lethal. Opioids depress the central nervous system and can slow down breathing and heart rate. During an overdose on Percocet®, someone can have slowed or stopped breathing and heart rate.

A common sign someone may be suffering from substance use disorder is they start distancing themselves from hobbies or people to continue obtaining or using Percocet®.

Warning Signs of Addiction to Percocet®

Substance use disorder is a chronic condition that may show itself in numerous ways depending on the person who’s struggling with the disease. An individual with a Percocet® addiction may start exhibiting various physical or behavioral changes that are concerning to others around them. Regular Percocet® misuse can slowly transform an individual into an unrecognizable person to their family and friends.

Behavioral Signs

A common sign someone may be suffering from substance use disorder is they start distancing themselves from hobbies or people to continue obtaining or using Percocet®. This behavior and other signs will show that treatment may be the next step to recover from substance use disorder.

Someone with a Percocet® addiction may do anything they can to get the drug. Since Percocet® requires a prescription, they might take drastic measures to get more of it. These signs and behaviors can include:

  • Visiting multiple doctors to get extra prescriptions
  • Stealing medication from others
  • Pretending to lose medication or a prescription to get more
  • Taking frequent “emergency” trips to the doctor for pain medication
  • Faking pain or exaggerating health issues for a prescription

Everyday Life Indicators

  • Neglecting relationships, hobbies and responsibilities to obtain and use Percocet®
  • Needing more Percocet® over time to feel the same “high” as before
  • “Stocking up” on Percocet® and using it even when not feeling pain
  • Losing interest in activities or hobbies
  • Distancing from friends and family
  • Sneaking around or spending more time alone
  • Asking to borrow money or stealing money
  • Poor performance during school or work
  • Showing changes in appetite
  • Missing or avoiding obligations like work or school

Physical Indications

  • Numerous pill bottles in their home
  • Prescription pads if the person is forging prescriptions
  • Shipping materials from ordering Percocet® online
  • White powder on surfaces from crushing pills

Personal Realizations

  • Losing control while using Percocet® 
  • Developing a high tolerance for the drug
  • Attempting to recreate the feelings of the first high
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms are limiting or stopping Percocet® use
  • Needing Percocet® to function throughout the day
  • Continuing Percocet® use while understanding the negative consequences
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Levels of Care We Offer

At Gateway Foundation, we offer multiple levels of care that are suited to your specific needs. The care you need will depend on your situation and where you currently are in the recovery process. 

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You Don’t Have to Fight Addiction Alone

Overcoming a substance misuse disorder is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Find supportive, evidence-based treatment at Gateway Foundation.

Medications for Percocet® Detox

Medical professionals may prescribe certain medications during medication-assisted detox treatment to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms. Opioid withdrawal can be intense, so it’s better to go through a safe and comfortable withdrawal process to continue progressing through the recovery process. 

Some of these medications for Percocet® detoxification include:

  • Methadone: This medication is an agonist drug that can help lessen the cravings for Percocet® and reduce the symptoms of withdrawal. Methadone will stay in a person’s system for a long time and hold off uncomfortable or harmful withdrawal symptoms until the patient completes the withdrawal process. Gateway Foundation does not use methadone as a treatment strategy — we use alternative drugs to help people overcome Percocet® addiction. 
  • Buprenorphine: This medication is also common for treating various types of opioid withdrawal because it helps reduce the symptoms that can hinder recovery. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist drug, which means the medication doesn’t fully impact the opioid receptors in the body after it binds to them. This medication will reduce cravings and symptoms during Percocet® withdrawal. 
  • Naltrexone: This medication is an antagonist drug and will block the opioid receptors in the body from receiving the euphoric or “high” feelings that opioids can produce. This is helpful for preventing individuals from craving the symptoms of Percocet®.
  • Combination medications: Doctors can prescribe a combination of agonist and antagonist medications to help progress through the withdrawal process. While the agonist medication helps reduce the symptoms of withdrawal, the antagonist medication will remain dormant until the patient attempts to misuse Percocet® again. Combining the two types of medications for withdrawal can be great for trying to prevent relapse in patients. 

Medications for Percocet® Detox

What Does Percocet® Do to Your Body?

Percocet®is an opioid, which means it is derived from the same source as drugs like morphine and heroin. Opioids act on receptors in the brain to block out pain and release neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Opioids are one of the strongest pain relief medicines. They attach to opioid receptors in the brain, gastrointestinal tract and spinal cord to limit the pain messages that travel to the brain. While opioids like Percocet® help manage pain, they don’t cure the pain’s underlying cause. Additional treatment is necessary to eliminate pain at the cause instead of relieving the symptom. 

Opioids must be potent to relieve high amounts of pain from severe medical issues. Many people misuse Percocet® because of the intense euphoric sensation the substance produces. This sensation impacts the body’s reward system because of the overwhelming positive feeling. Once the feeling wears off, the patient may crave the comfortable feeling, especially if they’re still in great pain. They may also crave the substance to limit withdrawal symptoms. 

The idea that Percocet® is a safe-to-use prescription medication can instill a false sense of security around the substance. It’s essential for individuals to work closely with a doctor when taking prescription Percocet® or any prescription opioid to monitor dependence symptoms carefully. The body will begin physically and mentally craving the substance because of the euphoric feeling and physical dependence. 

What Does Percocet® Do to Your Body?

Lower doses of Percocet® may cause you to feel tired, while higher doses can produce intense symptoms like slow heart rate or breathing. People who want to ensure that Percocet® provides the pain relief they need and doesn’t produce negative impacts on their body should follow the prescription and doctor’s instructions carefully. 

Percocet® can be both physically and emotionally addictive. If it’s taken extensively for long periods of time, the brain and body can grow dependent on it — meaning that if you try to quit, you may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Emotionally, you may find it difficult to feel pleasure in everyday activities without the drug. Whether knowingly misused or not, a Percocet® addiction can begin to control your life. Once addicted, you may exceed the recommended dosage or seek out illegal ways to obtain more of the drug. 

History of Percocet®

The history of Percocet® also entails the main substance that makes Percocet® an intense pain reliever — oxycodone. Researchers in Germany were the first individuals to create oxycodone in 1916. Oxycodone has been used for decades to treat severe pain from surgery or cancer treatment, despite its addictive properties. 

Percocet® was created in the 1970s as an alternative to Percodan — a prescription pain reliever that combined oxycodone and aspirin. Percodan had an often unwanted blood-clotting side effect because of the aspirin. Percocet® was introduced as a possible alternative to highly addictive medications doctors used during World War I, like morphine or heroin. The goal was to create a strong enough medication to reduce pain while still lacking addictive properties. Unfortunately, the medicinal community found oxycodone to be just as addictive. 

history of percocet

In the late 20th century, Percocet® was the pain reliever of choice among those who experienced chronic pain due to hard labor, such as coal mining. Sadly, many of these working-class individuals were poorly educated about the drug’s addictive side effects. Many blame Percocet® as the forerunner of the opioid epidemic our nation faces today, a crisis that kills nearly 128 people every day.

The DEA took this information and other studies showing the addictive properties of Percocet® and classified it as a Schedule II drug. This classification ensures there are regulations on prescriptions and medical professionals understand the severity of this opioid substance. 

Talking with doctor about treatment options

Percocet® Intended Use

Like all opioids, Percocet’s high potential for misuse makes it imperative to take the drug exactly as prescribed. In most cases, Percocet® is recommended for short-term relief of acute pain, not chronic conditions. Doctors sometimes recommend it for a brief period of time after surgery or due to an injury. 

Percocet® is typically not prescribed for long-term pain relief because of the substance’s addictive properties. Percocet® changes the way the brain reacts to pain, which helps people feel more relaxed while experiencing moderate or strong pain levels.

The first step individuals should take before using their prescription Percocet® is reviewing the medication guide from the pharmacist and asking the pharmacist or doctor plenty of questions regarding side effects and dose. Percocet® is an oral medication that comes as ingestible tablets. Patients can take Percocet® with or without consuming food. If people experience nausea after taking Percocet®, they can consult with their doctor about reducing nausea.

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Don’t Ignore The Signs

Percocet® addiction destroys lives. Get the support you need to help yourself or your loved one break free from addiction.

How Percocet® is Used Illicitly

A Percocet®high can feel as powerful and euphoric as the effects of heroin. As a result, people often use the drug in ways that it was not intended. This usage can quickly lead to chemical dependency and addiction.

People will access Percocet® for illicit use by taking higher doses of their prescription or purchasing Percocet® illegally, usually from someone selling their prescription on the streets. The initial stages of Percocet® misuse can gradually lead to dependence or addiction if a person continues to take Percocet® regularly. 

Percocet® is a commonly misused drug in the United States. Since doctors can prescribe Percocet®, some may believe using this substance is better than illicit opioids like heroin. Illicit uses of Percocet® are still harmful and potentially life-threatening when consumed in large amounts.

How Percocet® is Used Illicitly

After taking Percocet® in its pill form for a while, the body becomes tolerant. So, some people increase their Percocet® dosage to get high, chew on the pill to increase absorption, or they may grind the pill into a fine powder that they can snort or inject. These methods speed up the Percocet® high, allowing it to enter the central nervous system more quickly. However, these modes also increase the risk of overdose.

While many people see snorting the drug as less risky, it can damage the sinuses, injure the blood vessels or cause an infection.

When individuals take higher doses of Percocet® to feel the effects, it can quickly lead to physical or psychological dependence. A Percocet® dependence is not the same as an addiction, but dependence can potentially lead to substance use disorder and require more treatment to recover. 

Another method of misusing Percocet® is taking the pill with alcohol. However, by mixing Percocet® and alcohol, the sedative nature of both substances is heightened. This combination can lead a user to pass out, injuring themself, or vomit while unconscious, which could lead to death by asphyxiation.

Percocet® is a controlled substance in the United States, making it challenging to obtain prescription refills legally. People can obtain Percocet® in numerous illicit ways, including:

  • Finding drug dealers with Percocet® 
  • Stealing Percocet® from others
  • Forging a prescription for Percocet® 
  • Visiting with multiple doctors to receive more Percocet® prescriptions

controlled substance

Statistics About Percocet® Abuse

Since Percocet® and other opioids were approved for use in the United States, researchers from various organizations collected data on substance use and its impact on Americans. Opioid use has been especially harmful and often leads to substance use disorder, dependence or death. The rate of misuse of opioids and other substances like Percocet® is concerning to medical professionals.

These statistics on opioid use show how misuse can lead to negative health or lifestyle effects:

Another major concern surrounding Percocet® and other opioid use is the opioid epidemic. Other useful statics regarding the opioid epidemic in the United States from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services include:

  • People searching for treatment has access to over 14,000 substance use treatment facilities.
  • Over 760,000 people have died in the United States from a drug overdose since 1999.
  • The number of opioid-related hospitalizations reached a rate of 297 per 100,000 population in 2016.
  • Emergency room visits rose 30% for opioid overdose visits.
  • 1.27 million people in the United States are receiving medication-assisted treatment for opioid use.
  • The number of prescriptions for naloxone, a medication that reverses the process of an opioid overdose quickly, doubled between 2017 and 2018.

opioids overdose deaths

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Imagine A Life Freed From Addiction

Don’t let your addiction continue to poison your life. Start your recovery journey today.

Treatments Offered at Percocet® Drug Rehab Treatment Centers

Opioid addiction impacts every aspect of life. Percocet® drug addiction treatment centers aim to address all these elements:


Opioid addiction treatment centers provide medical services that help patients manage the physical symptoms of addiction. They offer treatment that addresses withdrawal, cravings and related medical issues.


Addiction to Percocet® involves behavioral and emotional changes that cause many of its symptoms. Therapy and peer support help patients learn new coping mechanisms and recovery skills.


Some Percocet® drug addiction rehabilitation centers partner with community resources. These services support patients in getting everyday necessities such as jobs, housing and food.

Gateway Foundation offers plenty of clinical services and treatment programs that can improve a person’s treatment plan. Some of the treatment programs you can join while receiving care at Gateway Foundation include:

  • Trauma Therapy: The trauma therapy service helps patients get to the root of their addiction by understanding their trauma.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The Dialectical Behavior therapy program (DBT) will help patients regulate their emotions and learn methods to control feelings. This can benefit their recovery process and carry on throughout life.
  • Mindfulness-Based Sobriety: The mindfulness-based sobriety program can help patients focus on the present to progress through recovery and continue achieving sobriety. 
  • 12 Step Facilitation: Joining a support group during or after going through treatment can be beneficial to continue a sober lifestyle. For more guidance during the well-known 12 Step Support program, Gateway Foundation provides 12 Step Facilitation to help guide patients through the support group.
  • 12 Step Support: Programs like 12 Step Support are excellent for ongoing care after treatment is completed to help continue living life after recovery. This program will provide helpful tools and resources for returning to normal life after treatment.
  • Relapse Prevention: The relapse prevention program will help individuals come up with plans and coping methods to deal with triggers in real life that may lead to relapse. 

Relapse Prevention

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The Cognitive Behavioral therapy program will help patients learn methods and techniques to change the way they act through life challenges.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Programs like acceptance and commitment therapy are great for helping people achieve one of the toughest concepts throughout recovery — acceptance. Learning how to accept the process of recovery and the emotions patients feel throughout the process is a huge aspect of this program.
  • Motivational Interviewing: The motivation interviewing service is beneficial for people who need extra motivation or seemingly have plenty of motivation during the recovery process.
  • Coping Skills Therapy: The coping skills therapy program will help patients have a more positive outlook on the Percocet® treatment process. 
  • Group and Individual Therapy: Patients can attend group therapy and individual therapy during their treatment plan at Gateway Foundation. It’s beneficial to attend either type of therapy when recovering from Percocet® use.
  • Recreational Activities: Patients can benefit from participating in recreational activities to have fun and remember the activities they enjoyed prior to their substance use disorder. 

Everyone’s experience with opioid addiction rehab depends on their needs and the provider they visit.

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Get Help For Your Addiction

Start your healing journey at Gateway Foundation with supportive, evidence-based treatment.


What to Look for in a Percocet® Drug Rehab Treatment Center

Finding the right Percocet® addiction treatment center is simple when patients know what factors to look for during their search. The perfect treatment center will meet the patient’s needs and offer plenty of treatment options to help various patients get through their recovery journey.

First, decide how your preferred rehabilitation center will look. This idea can stem from your goals for Percocet® treatment and any therapy or counseling programs you want to include in your treatment plan. It’s also best to consult with your primary care physician before choosing a treatment center so you can have their input on locations that will provide the best services for your substance use disorder.

What to Look for in a Percocet® Drug Rehab Treatment Center

The factors people should consider for their Percocet® treatment center include:

  • Type of treatment: When a patient is searching for a treatment facility to overcome their Percocet® addiction, it’s necessary to look for a facility that offers treatment for Percocet® use. Treatment centers will tell patients what type of substances they treat and if they also treat polydrug use or co-occurring disorders. 
  • Programs and services: Facilities will offer different counseling services and therapy options that benefit each patient differently. It’s great to find a treatment facility that offers numerous types of programs so each person can have a treatment plan tailored to their needs.
  • Location: Finding a treatment facility close to home is beneficial for patients integrating back to their normal lives after treatment.
  • Amenities: The amenities at a treatment facility can make a big difference in patient comfort and experience. This is especially true for those participating in residential inpatient treatment. Treatment centers that have adequate facilities to help patients progress through recovery are a must-have for many people seeking Percocet® use treatment. 
  • Levels of care: The treatment facility should have multiple care levels to provide the best care for patients. Many levels of care mean patients can transition through recovery easily and gradually integrate back to their normal lives. 
  • Insurance: The cost of treatment varies for many reasons. Treatment facilities offer different programs and accept different insurance providers. This factor is a big one for many people looking for Percocet® treatment, so it’s important to ask potential treatment facilities the cost of their programs and the insurance options they accept. 

What to Expect at a Gateway Percocet® Drug Treatment Program in Illinois

At Gateway, we take a personalized approach to care. Our medication-assisted treatment services for opioidswithdrawal management support services and prescription drug addiction care target your needs. These approaches set Gateway apart from other addiction clinics:

  • Demographic group care: We can tailor our services to your age group and gender so you can get support from patients who understand your experiences.
  • Wellness support: As our patients go through treatment, we encourage them to find new passions in life and plan their futures.
  • Choice of treatment models: Since every patient has different symptom severities, we provide inpatient and outpatient programs.
  • Multiple therapy options: To address every patient’s emotional needs, we provide many options for counseling based on behaviors and personal experiences.

Our addiction medical services save lives every day. When you become a Gateway patient, you have a partner in recovery for life.

What to Expect at a Gateway Percocet® Drug Treatment Program in Illinois

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Our Addiction Medical Services Save Lives Every Day

When you become a Gateway patient, you have a partner in recovery for life.

Benefits of Getting Help for Your Percocet® Addiction

When you ask for help with your recovery from Percocet® addiction, you can start a new life without opiates. Your care team will support you in meeting goals, including:

  • Stabilizing your life at work, home or school
  • Managing the physical and emotional symptoms of addiction
  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms for tough situations
  • Planning a new life without the influence of opiates
  • Reconnecting with the people you care about
  • Gaining a new perspective on addiction and treatment
  • Receiving quality support from staff and other patients
  • Having access to resources and relapse prevention services
  • Getting help for repairing relationships with loved ones

As you go through Percocet® addiction treatment, you can set recovery benchmarks and receive the resources you need to meet them.

Choose Gateway as Your Illinois Percocet® Drug Addiction Rehab Center

Gateway Foundation is a treatment facility in Illinois that provides resources and treatment plans to help patients succeed with Percocet® addiction recovery. Gateway has 16 locations throughout Illinois that welcome patients with Percocet® and other substance use problems. We provide high-quality care tailored to each person, so their recovery focuses on their needs.

Want to learn more about how Gateway Foundation can help you or a loved one? Contact us today to check out our services and programs that help people recover from substance use disorder. 

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