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Party Club Drug Addiction Treatment

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Party Club Drug Addiction Treatment

Party drugs are prevalent in certain environments, including clubs, raves, bars and other events. These drugs can alter a person’s life and affect their health and well-being. Once a person becomes addicted to party drugs, quitting and regaining their life can be challenging. However, professional treatment can help you reach sobriety and improve your quality of life.

Learn more about party drugs, the signs and symptoms of addiction and more below. 

What Is a Party Drug?

What Is a Party Drug?

“Party drug” describes an assortment of substances people use in party settings, such as clubs, raves, bars, concerts or house parties. These substances are also sometimes called club drugs. 

There isn’t a single comprehensive list that includes everything someone may encounter in these situations. However, there are common party drugs that appear frequently. Party drugs are also often glorified on social media, where users encourage substance use, possibly increasing the potential for addiction. The following are some of the most commonly used party drugs:



Hallucinogenics induce hallucinations, often referred to as a “trip.” Individuals who use these substances become out of touch with reality, increasing the chance of risky behaviors. Common hallucinogens include:

  • LSD: Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also referred to as “acid,” has been popular in the rave scene for years. It often appears as a “strip” or “tab” that’s placed on the tongue, though people also use a liquid form of the drug. People who use this substance experience hallucinations, an increased heart rate and trembling.
  • Psychedelic mushrooms: Psychedelic mushrooms — or “shrooms” — cause individuals to experience hallucinations and a distorted perception of reality. You can eat shrooms as is or mixed with teas or food. 
  • Ketamine: While ketamine is used in veterinary clinics and for those with treatment-resistant depression, it’s also sometimes used in party settings. Recreational drug use creates out-of-body experiences for people but can also temporarily limit mobility and cause memory loss.
  • Salvia: Salvia creates a short-term hallucinogenic experience that lasts about thirty minutes and is often a gateway into other party drugs.


Alcohol is one of the most commonly used substances by young adults in the United States. Alcohol is a legal substance for people 21 and over, and it’s common for young people under 21 to gain access to alcohol despite it being illegal.



Marijuana, one of many psychoactive substances, is made from a plant that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. However, some people can experience paranoia when under the influence of the substance. As more states legalize marijuana, it becomes more common at parties or clubs.


Inhalants are often found at raves or clubs, allowing a person to inhale or “huff” a substance to experience a quick high. People can use household items to induce a high, including bleach, cleaning supplies and whipped cream containers. Misusing inhalants can cause extreme tremors or blackouts.


Ecstasy, also called MDMA, is a party drug that creates a sense of euphoria, happiness and friendliness. It works like a combination of hallucinogens and stimulants. Using ecstasy can cause people to get into compromising situations that risk their health and safety.



Stimulants increase focus and attention and are popular among party-goers who want to improve their ability to stay awake. There are many stimulants, some used as a treatment for conditions like ADHD and others used recreationally. Some people also misuse prescription stimulants. Different stimulants include:

date rape drugs

Date Rape Drugs

Another category of party drugs includes date rape drugs, which are used to incapacitate and take advantage of another person. These drugs are often slipped into a drink and are a common link in sexual assault cases. Different date rape drugs include:

People attending parties, clubs, raves or other events must exercise caution to prevent another person from slipping something in their drink.

Signs and Symptoms of Party Drug Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Party Drug Addiction

Sometimes, a person’s party drug addiction may not be apparent, especially if they use other substances that mask the addiction. However, there are signs and symptoms you can look for to identify party drug addiction.

Health Problems

Frequently using party drugs can cause various physical and mental health problems, including:

  • Headaches
  • Increased anxiety and stress
  • Exhaustion and dehydration
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Memory problems
  • Cognitive difficulties with decision making
  • Weight loss

People who use party drugs are also more likely to have memory blackouts, where they forget hours at a time and can’t recall what they’ve done. These blackouts can lead to risks to their health, including unsafe sexual behaviors and risky decision-making that could lead to accidents and falls. 

Behavioral Issues

Developing an addiction to party drugs can also alter your behavior, resulting from worsening mental health or in an attempt to hide or justify substance use. Different behavioral issues or changes that can develop due to party drug addiction include:

  • Lying to friends and family about substance use
  • Hiding drug paraphernalia or leaving it lying around the house
  • Constantly thinking, talking about or using party drugs
  • Frequently attending parties or events to find drugs
  • Stealing from loved ones or committing crimes to pay for drugs
  • Mood swings, irritability and anxiety
  • Failing to keep up with responsibilities
  • Lack of personal hygiene 
  • Performing poorly at work or finding it challenging to hold down a job
  • Lack of motivation and losing interest in once enjoyable activities
  • Engaging in risky behaviors
  • Isolating from loved ones
  • Continuing substance use despite the consequences

These behavioral issues can quickly alter your quality of life, which can cause a person to use party drugs more to cope. Increased use can become a severe addiction, resulting in severe physical and mental health problems.


When a person uses party drugs frequently, they start to build a tolerance and require more of the substance to feel its effects. When a person has a tolerance, they might become dependent on the drug, which causes the body to go through withdrawal when they go a period without the substance. Common party drug withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Increasing anger and irritability
  • Depression, anxiety and stress
  • Cravings
  • Extreme fatigue and poor motivation
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Flu symptoms, such as a runny nose, chills or headaches
  • Sweating
  • Potential hallucinations

These withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, causing a person to continue to use more party drugs to prevent these feelings, despite the health risks. However, professional addiction treatment can help you find relief from your withdrawal symptoms as your body readjusts to its natural balance.

What Causes Party Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction can affect anyone, but some people have an increased risk of party drug addiction. Some of the common risk factors for addiction include:



Up to half a person’s risk of party drug addiction can be attributed to genetics. Individuals who have family members with a history of abuse of club drugs, particularly immediate family members, are more likely to become addicted to drugs themselves. People with a family history of addiction should use extreme caution if they use recreational or prescription drugs.

Existing Mental Health Conditions

Existing Mental Health Conditions

Mental health conditions are strongly linked to drug addiction. People with mental health conditions often experience uncomfortable symptoms and may use party drugs to cope. While using substances can temporarily relieve some symptoms, they can increase feelings of depression and anxiety and worsen existing conditions. It can quickly become a vicious cycle where a person uses substances to cope with worsening symptoms.


Traumatic experiences can cause people to turn to party drugs to cope with their feelings or forget. People who went through child abuse, sexual assault, the loss of a loved one or another traumatic experience are at an increased risk of drug addiction. While substances may provide temporary relief, they can often lead to worsening mental health conditions that make it challenging to cope with and overcome trauma.

environmental cues

Environmental Cues

Genetics and mental health conditions play a significant role in addiction, and so does a person’s environment. People who grew up or live in a community where drug use is expected or accepted are more likely to experiment with drugs, which could lead to addiction. Since party drugs are prevalent at various events, people should use caution when attending to avoid developing a substance use disorder.

peer pressure

Peer Pressure

Some people have friends or family who use substances, which can make them feel pressured to experiment with drugs themselves. Some loved ones may even pressure others to use substances. If you have friends who use substances, create boundaries and don’t be afraid to leave the situation if the peer pressure continues.

While a person can become addicted to drugs for any reason, the above factors play a significant role in a person’s risk for a substance use disorder. People with any of these risk factors should use caution around substances to prevent addiction and the subsequent health and social consequences.

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Effects of Party Drug Addiction

Effects of Party Drug Addiction

A big problem with party drugs is that the majority are made illegally in unregulated labs, meaning they could contain various toxins. Knowing the toxicity levels of a given dose can be challenging, so determining the risk of overdose or other problems is also hard to measure, even if you think you’re taking small doses.

Short-Term Effects of Party Drugs

Many club drugs contain chemicals that affect your central nervous system. This bodily system includes the brain, nerves and spinal cord and is responsible for controlling your muscles and senses. The short-term effects of party drugs will depend on the drug type, their physical weight and a person’s physical or mental health. However, some symptoms do overlap and can include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Altered perception of reality
  • Mood swings
  • Memory loss
  • Increased heart rate or blood pressure
  • Blurred vision and impaired motor function
  • Poor judgment
  • Sedation

It’s important to note that taking some party drugs even once can cause severe health problems if the dose is significant. Date rape drugs, such as Xanax or Rohypnol, can cause respiratory depression, which is a condition that causes a person’s breathing to become extremely slow or stop altogether. This condition could be fatal with a high enough dose and lack of medical attention. Some party drugs can also affect different organs in high doses, such as the kidneys or liver.

Long-Term Effects of Party Drugs

When a person starts to use these drugs frequently for long periods, they might experience more severe health effects, including:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Worsening mental health conditions
  • Potential liver or kidney failure from dehydration
  • Heart disease
  • Impaired memory and cognitive functioning
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss
  • Brain damage
  • Problems with serotonin uptake
  • Damage to the nervous system

Long-term effects of party drug use include failing to keep up with responsibilities, social isolation and financial difficulty. A person may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviors that can cause physical or mental harm.

If you or a loved one are struggling with party drug addiction, seeking help from a professional addiction treatment center can help improve symptoms and prevent them from developing into something more serious.

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Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Party Drug Addiction

The Process of Treating Party Drug Addiction

People who have never gone through addiction treatment may be unfamiliar with the process. Below, we’ll guide you through the steps, so you know what to expect when you or a loved one enters professional treatment. 


Before taking the first step in your addiction recovery process, you must first go through an assessment. An addiction specialist will ask you questions to create your personalized treatment plan. The following are some questions that may be asked during your evaluation:

  • When did you first start taking party drugs?
  • How often do you use party drugs and at what dose?
  • Are you using more than one substance at a time?
  • Are you experiencing any symptoms?
  • When do you use party drugs?
  • Do you have a sober environment at home?
  • Are you diagnosed with any mental health conditions?

These questions will help addiction professionals curate a personalized treatment plan that addresses your circumstances. 


The first step of an addiction treatment program is detoxing from the substance so your body can start operating normally. In most cases, you’ll detox cold turkey under the medical supervision of the staff. The professionals will watch you to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the process. 

You may participate in a medication-assisted treatment program, where you’re administered medication under professional supervision that helps relieve uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These medications may even be necessary for people who are quitting cold turkey after a severe addiction to prevent life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. 

As you take these medications, you’ll continue through treatment. You may be administered medication in an inpatient treatment program if you need a sober environment to recover. You also have the option of an outpatient treatment program if your addiction is less severe and you have outside responsibilities.


Counseling is a significant part of your treatment and helps you get to the root of your substance use disorder and learn the necessary skills to overcome your triggers and cravings. There are various types of therapy to help address your specific circumstances, including:

You’ll likely participate in multiple types of therapy to address your needs, sometimes on an individual basis with a counselor and other times with a group.


An aftercare plan is essential to ensure you sustain your recovery long after official treatment. You’ll work with a professional for relapse prevention — a plan that helps you address your triggers and cravings.

You’ll create a list of your triggers and different scenarios you may encounter as you reenter sober society. Then, you’ll work on responses to these instances to prevent a relapse. For example, attending large parties or clubs may trigger you. If you have to attend a large party, you can plan out responses, such as leaving for a few minutes to take a walk outside or meditate when you feel uncomfortable or experience cravings.

You’ll also create a list of people from your support network you can contact if you experience challenging situations. Whenever you experience cravings or triggering situations, you can call one of these individuals to talk to or spend time with.

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Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Party Drug Addiction

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Party Drug Addiction

Party drug addiction can drastically change someone’s life, and it can be challenging to quit without help. The good news is that professional addiction treatment can help you use evidence-based practices to overcome your substance use disorder. There are many benefits to seeking professional treatment, including:

Improved Health

Party drug addiction can take a toll on your physical and mental health, but it can still be challenging to quit. Professional addiction treatment uses tried and true methods to help you overcome your use of club drugs, which will start to improve your health as you recover. Working through professional programs designed to help you sustain your recovery will be easier as your physical and mental health improves.

Dual Diagnosis

One of the main benefits of professional treatment is access to dual diagnosis for co-occurring disorders. Some people experience addiction and mental health conditions simultaneously, which require dual treatment. Treating underlying mental health conditions helps improve your quality of life and reduce uncomfortable symptoms that might drive you to use substances to cope. You’ll learn how to manage these symptoms by getting to the root of the issue rather than masking the problem with drugs.

Developing Coping Skills

If you attempt to quit independently, you won’t gain access to the valuable coping skills you’d learn in a professional setting. These skills are essential to preventing relapse since they’ll guide you through how to react in uncomfortable or triggering situations. You’ll learn skills such as yoga, journaling or exercise to help you get through your cravings and sustain your sobriety long-term.

Ongoing Support

One significant benefit of professional treatment is that you gain access to a robust support network of professionals and individuals who understand what you’re going through. Addiction specialists and counselors can help you work through your problems and help you find relief efficiently, and talking with support group members will help you feel less isolated throughout your recovery. You’ll build a personal support network that you can call upon when you’re struggling or feel close to relapse.

Increased Chance of Success

You are more likely to quit party drugs when working with professionals than you would if you were quitting on your own. The reason is that you’re working with trained individuals who understand every aspect of addiction and the proven methods that can help you achieve sobriety. They’re also very familiar with the skills needed to sustain your sobriety post-treatment, which is something you would miss out on at home. 

While some people believe that professional addiction treatment would be disruptive to their daily lives, drug addiction is far more harmful to your life than any treatment program. Some programs will work around your schedule to help you reach sobriety while allowing you to stay on top of your responsibilities. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, professional treatment is the best way to overcome drug abuse and regain control of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Party Drug Addiction Treatment

If you’ve never been through addiction treatment or are considering a different program level, you may have some lingering questions. Below, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about party drug addiction treatment to ensure you or your loved ones are prepared for your recovery journey.

What Medications Are Used During Treatment?

Various medications are used during a medication-assisted treatment program, including Naltrexone, Disulfiram, Methadone and Buprenorphine. Each drug serves a different purpose.

For example, Naltrexone is commonly used for people with alcohol use disorders since it blocks the effects of alcohol, making it less tempting to consume. On the other hand, medications like Methadone trick your brain and body into thinking it’s still using substances, allowing you to feel more comfortable during your withdrawal process and reducing relapse risk.

When you first enter an addiction treatment program, your assessment will help determine if you need medication throughout any stage of your recovery. You may also be prescribed medication if you’re struggling with underlying mental health conditions to help address the root cause of your addiction.

How Can I Encourage a Loved One to Seek Treatment?

It can be challenging to see your loved one struggle with addiction, but there are ways you can help encourage them to seek treatment:

  • Being honest: You should talk openly with your loved one about how their addiction affects your relationship and life. They may be unaware of the growing tension and damage to your relationship, and being honest about what’s happening can help them see that it’s time to get help.
  • Expecting challenges: Addiction is a challenging condition, and changes won’t happen immediately. Your loved one may even resist treatment at first or not realize that a problem exists. Knowing there will be challenges helps as you continue to encourage your loved one. Remember that it will take time, and continue approaching your loved one with care and compassion.
  • Establishing trust: Building trust is essential to help your loved one realize that treatment is necessary. Approach your loved one with care and avoid rising to anger or criticism. You’ll also want to establish consequences to ensure trust goes both ways, helping encourage your loved one to seek treatment.
  • Communicating effectively: Proper communication can help prevent assigning blame and tense conversation. Remember to use “I” statements, provide empathy and let them know you will help them find help.
  • Respecting their privacy: Addiction treatment is very personal, and if you’re encouraging a loved one to seek help, remember to respect their privacy. 

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Your day-to-day treatment may look different than someone else’s, but that’s because your programs are tailored to your individual needs to ensure the best chance of success. However, you can expect high-quality care and support from the beginning.

You should expect to make lifestyle changes, such as the activities you participate in or the people you surround yourself with. Making these changes can be uncomfortable, but they’re necessary steps to improve your well-being. You’ll also need to actively participate in your personalized program to get the most out of it. 

Remember that there is no single way to achieve recovery. What works for you might not work for someone else. You can seek advice from professionals and those in the latter stages of their recovery journey and take what works for you. For example, you may find meditation useful to help you cope with triggers and cravings, but that journaling doesn’t provide the same effect as it does for others.

Take Back Control With Gateway Foundation

Take Back Control With Gateway Foundation

If you or a loved one is struggling with party drug addiction, you’re not alone. Gateway Foundation is a Chicago treatment center offering programs for party drug addiction. We have different levels of personalized treatment to address your unique needs. 

Our team of professionals has the skills and knowledge to help you reach and maintain sobriety through evidence-based practices. At Gateway Foundation, we’re here to support you through every stage of the recovery process. Contact us today to learn more about club drug addiction treatment in Illinois and how we can help. 

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