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Klonopin® Addiction Treatment

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Klonopin® Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a growing concern in America, and deaths caused by overdose increase by 4% annually. Accidental drug overdose is one of America’s leading causes of death, and many people don’t seek addiction treatment.

Some people believe that they can’t become addicted to benzodiazepines such as Klonopin® because it’s a prescription drug. However, Klonopin® has the potential for abuse and can adversely affect your life. 

If you’re struggling with Klonopin® addiction, you’re not alone. You have various treatment options to help you find relief and regain your life. Learn more about the drug below, the symptoms of addiction, its long-term effects and how treatment can help.

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You Don’t Need To Fight Addiction Alone

Battling Klonopin® addiction is hard. We’re here to help you win back your life.

What Is Klonopin®?

Klonopin®, the brand name for clonazepam, is a benzodiazepine drug like Xanax that medical professionals often prescribe to people with panic disorder or seizures. Klonopin® helps individuals with these conditions by targeting and enhancing the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter in the brain, which helps calm the central nervous system. 

The federal government classifies Klonopin® as a Schedule IV substance, meaning it has the potential for abuse and addiction. A person who’s developed an addiction to the drug can experience physical and psychological cravings since their body has come to depend on the substance to feel normal. High doses of Klonopin® increase the chances of physical and mental addiction.

Klonopin® can only be legally acquired from a doctor’s prescription. If a person becomes addicted to the drug, they’ll want to use more and will need to find ways to obtain it, whether that’s going to multiple doctors or finding someone who sells it on the street. 

only take medication as prescribed

While there are medical applications for Klonopin®, people who take the drug for anxiety, panic disorder or epilepsy should only take the medication as prescribed to avoid addiction. The potential for addiction means that Klonopin® should only be used for a short period to prevent tolerance and dependence. 

Signs and Symptoms of Clonazepam (Klonopin®) Addiction

Once a person becomes addicted to Klonopin®, their brain structure changes permanently, and they find it extremely challenging to function without the drug. A person with a clonazepam addiction will start to experience withdrawal once they stop taking the medication, which comes with intense cravings for another fix. These are just two of the many signs and symptoms of Klonopin® addiction. 

When a person becomes addicted to the drug, they start to exhibit noticeable signs, including:

  • The inability to quit using clonazepam, despite the desire or negative consequences.
  • Social isolation from friends, family members and loved ones.
  • Using more Klonopin® than prescribed or running out before a refill is due.
  • Lying to several doctors to get multiple prescriptions. 
  • Stealing from loved ones or retail stores to fund the addiction.
  • Seeking the medication from dealers on the street.
  • Using other benzodiazepines when they don’t have access to Klonopin®, such as Xanax.
  • Constantly thinking or talking about taking the drug.
  • Changing peer groups to use Klonopin® more frequently.
  • Neglecting responsibilities due to substance use.
  • Needing more of the drug to feel the same effect.
  • Losing interest in activities once enjoyed.
  • Lack of personal hygiene. 
  • Hiding drug use from loved ones.
  • Experiencing financial trouble.
  • Tense personal relationships.
  • Inability to perform at work.

A person with a Klonopin® addiction revolves their whole life around the drug. They’ll experience behavioral changes and often withdraw from friends and family. The more a person isolates, the worse their addiction can get. They’ll start to exhibit physical and mental symptoms as well, including:

  • Worsening physical and psychological health.
  • Physical weakness
  • Withdrawal symptoms, often accompanied by increased anxiety or paranoia.
  • Weight or appetite changes.
  • Headaches.
  • Impaired cognitive functioning.
  • Confusion.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Memory loss.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Lowered inhibitions, leading to reckless behavior.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Aggression or violence.

Signs and Symptoms of Clonazepam (Klonopin®) Addiction

Klonopin® addiction significantly impacts a person’s well-being and the people around them. Friends and family often notice the signs of addiction, sometimes before the individual realizes it themselves. Loved ones might feel ostracized by the individual struggling with addiction or unsure how they can help. If someone you love is exhibiting any signs or symptoms above, consider talking with an addiction specialist to get them the help they need.

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Don’t Ignore The Signs

Klonopin® addiction destroys lives. Get the support you need to help yourself or your loved one break free from substance misuse.

What Causes Klonopin® Addiction?

There are many reasons a person might develop a Klonopin® addiction. A person can become addicted whether or not they have a prescription. Using Klonopin® for long periods creates tolerance and dependency on the drug. They’ll have to take more to achieve the same effect, whether they use it for medical reasons or the euphoric effect.

Various factors come into play with Klonopin® addiction, including:

  • Genetics: According to studies, genetics can account for up to half of a person’s risk for addiction. If someone in your family has a history of addiction, you’re more likely to develop an addiction if you start using substances yourself. Having someone in your immediate family with a current or past substance use disorder increases the risk of addiction even more.
  • Environmental factors: The things a person interacts with or are exposed to play a significant role in the risk of addiction. People with a dysfunctional home environment where they may have been exposed to drugs can increase the potential for drug abuse. Living in a community where drug abuse is common can also increase the risk of addiction since these individuals have become socialized to see drug use as a normal part of life.
  • Substance use history: If someone has used any substances in the past and developed an addiction, the risk of developing a secondary addiction once they start taking Klonopin® increases. The potential for addiction to the drug is also influenced by other factors, such as how frequently the person uses Klonopin®, the dose and how long they’ve been using the substance. The higher the dose and the more regularly a person takes Klonopin®, the more likely they will develop an addiction. 

What Causes Klonopin® Addiction?

  • Social pressure: Peer groups have a lot to do with a person’s behavior. If a group of friends uses Klonopin®, they may attempt to convince others to try the drug. A person may take it once just to experiment but can quickly become addicted to the euphoric feeling. A single experience can turn into repeated use, which can cause dependence. Once dependency forms, it’s easy to develop an addiction.
  • Trauma: A person’s experiences in childhood or adulthood can impact their behavior later in life. If a person experienced or is experiencing abuse, excessive stress, parental divorce or other traumatizing events, they might turn to substances to cope with uncomfortable feelings. Using substances to manage can quickly turn into addiction since they view it as their only way to escape their situation. 
  • Mental health conditions: Many people with addiction also have a co-occurring mental health disorder. People sometimes use substances like Klonopin® to cope with their symptoms and uncomfortable emotions. While they may feel temporary relief, long-term use of such drugs can worsen mental health conditions. While Klonopin® can be used to treat anxiety and panic disorder, abusing the drug can increase anxiety and cause paranoia. 

When multiple factors affect a person, the risk of addiction increases. While having a family history of addiction, mental illness, trauma or exposure to substances doesn’t guarantee that a person will become addicted to Klonopin®, it significantly increases the risk once they start using the drug. 

Short and Long-Term Effects of Clonazepam Addiction

Short and Long-Term Effects of Clonazepam Addiction

When a person uses Klonopin®, it interacts with the GABA neurotransmitters in their brain and calms the nervous system, creating a relaxing and euphoric effect. Many people take Klonopin® to reduce anxiety or panic, while others take it to find relief from seizures or insomnia. Short-term use of Klonopin® has various effects, including:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Dizziness 
  • Euphoria
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lack of coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Disorientation 
  • Drowsiness
  • Headaches

Using Klonopin® can also lower your inhibition and make you engage in risk-taking behavior. Participating in reckless behavior can lead to injury, especially with a lack of coordination. Reduced inhibition can also cause people to engage in risky sexual behavior, putting them at risk for harmful sexually-transmitted diseases. 

Using Klonopin® for an extended period also creates various long-term effects that can harm a person’s physical and mental health. Long-term effects of Klonopin® use include:

  • Memory loss
  • Weakness
  • Cognitive problems
  • Confusion
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Worsening mental health symptoms
  • Aggression or hostility 
  • Seizures
  • Vertigo
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Increased risk for infection
  • Antisocial behavior

A person using Klonopin® for an extended period is also more likely to develop a secondary addiction to other substances.

A person using Klonopin® for an extended period is also more likely to develop a secondary addiction to other substances. Lowered inhibitions, increased tolerance and dependence can cause individuals to seek out other substances to increase their desired effects. Mixing Klonopin® with other substances can be dangerous, especially if they depress the central nervous system.

Klonopin® already has a calming effect on the central nervous system and, when combined with another depressant, can cause a person to experience respiratory depression. Respiratory depression causes a person’s breathing to become shallow, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Severe cases of this condition can cause a person to stop breathing altogether, leading to a coma or death.

If a person has been using Klonopin® for a long time and they suddenly stop using the drug, they’ll experience various withdrawal symptoms that present similarly to alcohol withdrawal, such as:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Irritation and anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Tremors
  • Tingling sensations
  • Increased heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Psychosis
  • Cognitive problems from permanent brain damage

Depending on the severity of your addiction, Klonopin® withdrawal can be fatal without medical intervention. A person might experience seizures, convulsions or psychotic episodes. If you’re trying to quit using Klonopin®, it’s essential to seek professional treatment to ensure that you can detox from the substance safely. 

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Imagine A Life Freed From Klonopin® Addiction

Don’t let your addiction continue to poison your life. Start your recovery journey today.

How to Know When It’s Time For Treatment

Klonopin® addiction has a drastic effect on a person’s life. If you are addicted to Klonopin®, your physical and mental health may decline, and your personal life can spiral out of control. When addiction takes a toll on health and changes behavior, it could be time to seek professional treatment. Signs that indicate you may need professional treatment include:

  • Lying or keeping secrets: People addicted to drugs often try to hide it from their loved ones by lying about what they do or keeping secrets. The behavior will become a normal reaction when confronted about their addiction. Lying and denial indicate the addiction has taken hold, and it’s time to seek professional addiction treatment.


  • Using Klonopin® to self-medicate: People with mental illness or trauma might turn to Klonopin® to self-medicate and reduce uncomfortable feelings. However, doing so only worsens many of these conditions, especially when taken over a long period. Self-medicating can quickly turn into an addiction when a person begins to rely on the drug to deal with their feelings. If you or a loved one is using Klonopin® to self-medicate, it’s time to seek treatment to get to the condition’s underlying cause.
  • Being unable to quit despite having the desire: Many people realize they have an addiction and want to quit, but the physical and psychological dependence on Klonopin® makes it highly challenging without professional intervention. The brain starts to rely on the drug to function normally, and the withdrawal symptoms can deter a person from wanting to quit. Professional treatment can help you detox from Klonopin® safely and overcome your addiction.
  • Experiencing negative consequences: Addiction takes a toll on your life, particularly your health and personal well-being. People might start to experience physical and mental effects alongside personal consequences, such as tense relationships or poor performance at work. If you or a loved one are beginning to experience negative consequences as a result of Klonopin® abuse, then it’s time to get treatment from an addiction specialist. 
  • Exhibiting additional signs of addiction: A surefire sign that you need addiction treatment is if you’re showing the signs of addiction. This includes needing Klonopin® to have a good time or feel normal, stealing or committing other crimes to fund your addiction, being hospitalized for drug use or being consumed by thoughts of drug use. 

Types of Clonazepam Addiction Treatment

Types of Clonazepam Addiction Treatment

If you’re struggling with Klonopin® addiction, you have plenty of treatment options to help you get your life back. Addiction treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all, so your treatment might look different from someone else. Below are the common types of treatment you may encounter at a rehabilitation center for Klonopin® addiction.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Detoxing from Klonopin® can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms can deter a person from seeking treatment. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs allow you to detox safely and comfortably so you can focus on other aspects of your treatment. 

MAT programs use medications to stabilize brain chemistry and reduce cravings for drugs. MAT programs can also be used to prevent relapse.

Before starting a MAT program, an addiction professional will give you an assessment to determine what medication would work best for your unique situation. You’ll also be under constant supervision and provided guidance to ensure you don’t develop a secondary addiction to these medications. 

Regardless of when you start a MAT program, you’ll participate in other forms of treatment to ensure you find success in your recovery. 

Inpatient Care 

One type of treatment people can seek with Klonopin® addiction is inpatient care. A residential inpatient treatment program allows you to stay at the rehabilitation facility overnight, where staff members can monitor you 24/7 and where you’ll have no access to the drug during your treatment. 

Inpatient care is ideal for people who don’t live in a sober environment or lack a support system at home. During an inpatient treatment program, you’ll spend most of your day engaging in therapies to help speed your recovery. Inpatient care lasts anywhere between 30 to 90 days, depending on the severity of your addiction. 

Outpatient Care

Outpatient care programs provide you with the flexibility to seek treatment while still staying on top of your responsibilities. Some people can’t stay at an inpatient center because they have things outside of therapy to take care of, such as children, family members, work responsibilities or school.

You’ll still have access to the same treatments as an individual in an inpatient program. You’ll also be able to choose the frequency of your treatment. Some people attend outpatient care for the entire day and return home in the evening. Others will participate in the meetings after work or school for a few hours a day a couple of times a week.

Outpatient Care

Outpatient care can also be a transitional step between inpatient care and independent living. Those who live in a sober and supportive environment are ideal candidates for outpatient care. If you can manage your triggers and cravings at home at the end of each treatment day, then outpatient care can be an excellent option to help you overcome your addiction while participating in sober society. 

Relapse Prevention

Addiction is a lifelong disease that requires constant diligence to sustain long-term recovery. Once you reenter sober society, life stress can become a trigger, tempting you to start using Klonopin® again to cope. Being around friends or family members who use substances or in an environment where substance use is expected can also trigger a relapse. 

Relapse prevention programs are an essential part of the treatment process to ensure you can sustain your sobriety long after treatment. 

When you participate in a relapse prevention program, an addiction specialist will conduct an assessment to determine your history of substance use, looking for triggers in your life that could cause cravings. Once you’ve identified these triggers, you’ll create an action plan to gauge how you should react in these situations. 

For example, if stress at work drove you to use Klonopin® before you sought treatment, then you’ll identify healthy methods to cope with this stress rather than turning to the drug or other substances. These methods might include calling a friend to talk, exercising to relieve stress or meeting with a support group to discuss your challenges and seek advice. Your relapse prevention plan will also include the contact information of people from your support group, such as your sponsor, family members or trusted friends. 

As you create this plan with an addiction specialist, they’ll provide you with the tools necessary to prevent a relapse. These coping skills include engaging in other activities rather than using substances to cope with stress or uncomfortable feelings. Common activities include:

  • Yoga or meditation
  • Journaling
  • Hiking or exercise
  • Painting 
  • Listening to music

There are various other activities you can choose from, and it’s best to pick something you enjoy so that it takes your mind off of substance use. You’ll also work on creating a routine to prevent the desire to use substances when you’re bored or lonely. A routine can also give you the structure you lacked before entering treatment. 

The Process of Treating Klonopin® Addiction

There are multiple stages of the addiction recovery process. You’ll follow the process below when you go to a rehabilitation center to seek help for Klonopin® addiction.


Before starting treatment, you’ll meet with an addiction specialist for an assessment. The addiction assessment will help you and the addiction specialist determine the right course of action for your treatment. The specialist will ask you questions to assess the severity of your addiction, such as:

  • When did you start using Klonopin®?
  • What’s your typical dose?
  • What situations make you want to use Klonopin®?
  • Are you experiencing withdrawal symptoms? If so, what are they?
  • Are you currently intoxicated?
  • Have you been treated for addiction before?
  • Are you using any other substances?

The answers to these questions will help the addiction specialist make the appropriate recommendations for your treatment.

You’ll also undergo a physical and mental health assessment simultaneously. The physical evaluation will determine the toll that addiction has had on your body. They’ll also look for substances in your system to see if medically-assisted detox is necessary. 

The mental assessment will look for any underlying mental health conditions that need additional treatment. Many people start using substances like Klonopin® to cope with their mental health symptoms and uncomfortable feelings, but they can worsen many of these conditions. If the assessment determines that you have an underlying condition, the addiction specialist will recommend simultaneous treatment to get to the root cause of your prescription drug abuse and prevent a relapse after treatment. 

The addiction specialist may also ask questions about your personal life to determine what level of treatment would be right for you. For example, suppose you have an unsafe home environment or someone in your home uses substances. In that case, they may recommend you participate in an inpatient treatment program to prevent a relapse once you start treatment. 


At the end of the assessment, the addiction specialist will provide you with a diagnosis. It’s essential to be honest during the evaluation to get the level of care you need, even though it may be uncomfortable to share personal details about your addiction.

Detox and Withdrawal Management

The first step of treatment is to detox from Klonopin® so you can focus on the rest of your treatment. In severe cases, Klonopin® withdrawal can be fatal, so seeking professional treatment can keep you safe rather than managing the withdrawals on your own. 

If you’ve been taking Konopin® for a long time, you might be a good candidate for a MAT program. The medications used in these programs can help trick your body into thinking you’re still taking drugs so you can detox safely and focus on your treatment. 

While the physical withdrawal symptoms will start to disappear, the psychological addiction symptoms can linger for a long time. When you’re addicted to a drug, your mind believes that it’s vital to your survival, so it takes time for your brain chemistry to rebalance to its absence. During this time, an addiction treatment center can help you with withdrawal management to help you cope with any uncomfortable feelings, such as anxiety, sleep disturbances and restlessness. 


While you detox, you’ll participate in various therapies to help you get to the root cause of your addiction and learn the necessary skills to cope with triggers and cravings. There are multiple therapies to help you with your unique circumstances, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): The beliefs and values you hold influence your behavior, which can contribute to your addiction. If you believe that using Klonopin® is your only way to cope with your situation or make you feel good, then you’ll continue to use the drug. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you readjust your beliefs and values to encourage positive behaviors. You’ll also learn how to take charge of your problems and solve them. 
  • Trauma-informed therapy: People with trauma sometimes rely on substances to cope with their feelings and forget their experiences. Trauma-informed therapy helps you address the source of your trauma and manage the side effects. You’ll learn the skills you need to handle challenging situations. 

Coping skills therapy

  • Coping skills therapy: Learning coping skills while in treatment is essential since they’re what you’ll use when you experience cravings or challenging situations. These skills can help prevent relapse and sustain your recovery. Coping skills therapy will teach you how to utilize these tools and avoid high-risk situations. If you end up in one of these environments, you’ll be able to use these skills to overcome these challenges. Coping skills include relaxation techniques, exercising or participating in healthy recreational activities. 
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): People struggling with addiction sometimes have difficulty accepting their reality, whether their addiction or the steps they need to take to recover. Acceptance and commitment therapy helps patients accept their emotions and addiction to commit to recovery. Once a person is dedicated to their recovery, it becomes easier to make progress.
  • Motivational interviewing: Some patients who enter treatment aren’t motivated to go through the recovery process, at least a first. They may believe that their substance use isn’t as bad as it seems or that it’s not affecting their life negatively. Motivational interviewing encourages patients to think about how substance abuse can negatively affect their life, including their relationships, education and career. The goal is to inspire patients to become more involved in their recovery and commit to long-term success. 
  • Group and individual therapy: You’ll participate in group and individual therapy during treatment. Group therapy can help you connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges. The benefit of group therapy is that it makes you feel less isolated during your recovery. Hearing success stories from other people can help you feel motivated to continue your recovery path. You can also ask questions, seek advice and vent about any challenges that you experience.
  • Mindfulness-based sobriety: Mindfulness-based sobriety focuses on staying grounded in the moment. Rather than thinking about your past or how your future may be affected, you focus on now. This allows you to accept where you currently are and take the steps necessary to make positive changes. Mindfulness-based sobriety can help people who feel overwhelmed during the recovery process.

During treatment, you may participate in multiple types of therapy to increase your chances of success. At the beginning of your journey, the assessment will determine what kind of therapy is best for your circumstances. 


Taking care of yourself after treatment is essential to sustain your recovery. While you’re still in treatment, you’ll work with an addiction specialist to create an aftercare plan. There are various options for an aftercare plan, including:

  • 12-step support groups: When you meet with a 12-step support group, you’ll follow the 12-step facilitation model. The counselor leading these meetings will help you integrate the tools you’ve learned during treatment into your daily routine. You’ll also get the chance to connect with others in various stages of their recovery. You can attend 12-step meetings regularly and when you feel like you might be close to a relapse. Other group members can offer advice and hold you accountable for your recovery.

Sober living homes

  • Sober living homes: Many people who leave inpatient treatment aren’t ready to completely transition to independent living. Others live in an environment where they might be exposed to substances and need more time to adjust after treatment. Sober living homes allow you to adjust to a routine and live among others in a similar situation. You’ll also get to recover in privacy, reducing your stress and triggers that could result in a relapse. 
  • Relapse prevention planning: You’ll work with an addiction specialist to curate a relapse prevention plan during treatment. The plan will outline how you should respond in overwhelming situations or when you encounter a trigger. You’ll also list the contact information of people you can contact when you experience a trigger or craving, allowing you to sustain your recovery.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Klonopin® Addiction

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Klonopin® Addiction

Trying to break the cycle of addiction on your own can be challenging and overwhelming. Seeking professional treatment can provide you with the tools and support to overcome Klonopin® addiction. There are many benefits of professional treatment, including:

  • Addiction education: When you enter a rehabilitation program, the staff will educate you about substance use and addiction, explaining how it can alter your life. You’ll also learn about how addiction occurs and what factors contribute to triggers and cravings. This education will help you understand your situation and why it’s vital to stay dedicated to your recovery.
  • Multiple treatment options: Addiction treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all, and patients need different treatments to address their unique circumstances. At a professional treatment facility, you’ll have access to multiple treatment options to help you recover from addiction. When you start treatment, you’ll create a personalized treatment plan with an addiction specialist to get the exact level of care you need. These treatments will help you develop healthy habits and readjust your addiction-related thoughts and behaviors. 
  • Ongoing support: A support network is essential for the recovery process. Feeling supported and belonging to a community helps you feel less isolated during your recovery and gives you a group of people to rely on when you become overwhelmed or experience a triggering situation. You can participate in 12-step support groups to connect with others who share your experience and talk about the challenges you’re dealing with. Staff can also be a vital part of your support network.
  • Accountability and structure: Professional treatment can help you remain accountable during your recovery. If you feel like you might be close to relapse, you can lean on members of your support group or staff to sustain your recovery. Professional treatment also provides you with the structure you may not have had before starting treatment. Structure can help limit your free time where you might feel upset, lonely or bored — all triggers for relapse.
  • Improved physical and mental health: Klonopin® addiction can take a toll on your physical and mental health, often worsening existing conditions and creating new ailments. Your physical and psychological well-being will improve when you seek professional treatment and detox from Klonopin®. You’ll also receive treatment for any underlying conditions that could be contributing to your addiction, such as depression or anxiety. 
  • Development of new skills: Professional therapy helps you develop coping skills to manage your triggers and overcome uncomfortable situations. Different coping mechanisms you may learn include mindfulness, meditation, yoga, hiking, exercise, painting and other recreational activities. You’ll learn these skills in group and individual therapy. You’ll also participate in various recreational activities in an inpatient treatment program. Once you finish treatment, you might encounter a challenging situation where you feel triggered, and you can fall back on these skills to prevent a relapse.

Frequently Asked Questions About Klonopin® Treatment

If you’ve never sought professional addiction treatment, you may have lingering questions. Below are some of the most common questions about Klonopin® addiction treatment.

Does Insurance Cover My Treatment?

There are many overhead costs for addiction treatment, especially with inpatient care, so patients wonder if insurance will cover the cost. The federal government created the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA), requiring all insurance providers to provide coverage for mental health and addiction treatment as they would for treatment of physical ailments. 

If you have insurance, they’ll cover some level of care. Keep in mind that if your coverage for physical conditions is limited, coverage for addiction treatment will also be limited. However, you can rest assured that you will have some form of addiction coverage if you have insurance.

What Medications Are Used in the MAT Program?

Various medications are used in a MAT program, and the kind you take will depend on your individual needs. For example, Naltrexone or Disulfiram can block the effects of Klonopin®. If you happen to have a relapse, you won’t feel the same desired effects, making taking the drug less desirable.

medication assisted treatment

Medications such as Methadone and Buprenorphine can be used during the detox process. They make cravings less intense and sometimes trick the brain and body into thinking you’re still taking Klonopin®. By tricking the body, your withdrawal symptoms become less severe so that you can focus on your treatment. 

How Long Will I Need Treatment to Recover?

The amount of time you’ll need in treatment will vary based on the severity of your addiction. If you’re in an inpatient program, your treatment length will be 30, 60 or 90 days. After inpatient treatment, you may transition to outpatient treatment.

Outpatient programs vary since the treatment schedule is more flexible. If you only attend meetings a few times a week, treatment can last for several weeks. Many people participate in outpatient care between four to six weeks, but others stay longer to ensure they’re ready to reenter sober society. An addiction specialist will help you determine how long you need treatment during your assessment.

Let Gateway Foundation Help You With Your Klonopin® Addiction

Let Gateway Foundation Help You With Your Klonopin® Addiction

If you’re struggling with Klonopin® addiction in Illinois, Gateway Foundation is here to help. Our services and treatment programs can help you find relief and overcome the challenges you might face as you work through your recovery. You’ll have the ability to choose between our inpatient or outpatient programs, where you’ll have access to evidence-based and holistic treatments. 

We can help you recover from the adverse effects of addiction, such as physical and mental conditions, tense personal relationships and poor work performance. At Gateway Foundation, we’ll help you understand your addiction and provide you with the tools to stay committed to your recovery. Contact us today to take the first step towards a better life.