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Benefits of Behavioral Therapy for Addiction in Skokie, IL

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Behavioral Therapy

When you have a substance addiction, you may also hold negative thoughts and beliefs against yourself and the world around you. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) addresses these closely held deceptions and helps you find the truth. CBT and other behavioral therapies let you get to the core of your drug abuse so that you can fight addiction’s hold over your life.

At Gateway Foundation in Skokie, IL, we offer CBT and a variety of other evidence-based therapy programs that allow you to find physical, mental and emotional healing.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a method of identifying the self-defeating behaviors and thoughts that often drive addiction. During sessions, patients work with a therapist to address these attitudes and gain perspective. CBT is not a passive talk therapy. Instead, it is goal-oriented and focused on finding practical solutions to the real-world problems a recovering addict may encounter.

The goals of cognitive-behavioral therapy are to:

  • Change deeply rooted, negative perceptions, values and beliefs
  • Improve a patient’s ability to regulate their emotions, especially in stressful situations
  • Develop coping strategies to address cravings and triggers as they arise

The Effectiveness of CBT in Drug Addiction Treatment

Destructive and negative thinking are some of the hallmarks of addiction. Whether it’s self-hatred or anger directed at those around you, these unhealthy cognitive distortions affect your overall health and can contribute to a life of addiction. CBT for substance abuse helps you recognize and challenge these harmful thought patterns.

Our Skokie team often incorporates CBT into our patients’ personalized addiction treatment programs. We have seen first hand the incredible benefits of this therapeutic modality, including:

  • Exploring the thoughts and behaviors that have led to addiction
  • Seeking to modify negative cognitive patterns
  • Replacing negative beliefs with positive ones
  • Facing and solving problems, rather than hiding from them
  • Finding practical solutions to triggers like stress or family dysfunction
  • Preventing relapse before things get out of control
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How We Use CBT for Addiction Treatment in Skokie, IL

At Gateway’s Skokie center, we use CBT in conjunction with an assortment of other therapies. We strive to help each patient who walks through our doors with personalized care to address their specific needs. From the person who has struggled with past trauma to the busy business professional bogged down with stress, everyone’s path to addiction is different. CBT and other individual and group therapies meet you where you’re at so that you can gain the skills you need to lead a healthier, happier life.

Along with cognitive-behavioral therapy, your personal care program could incorporate other services and treatments, including:

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Learn More About Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction in Skokie

It’s time to break free from the harmful thoughts and behaviors that have led to a life of addiction. Your fight against substance abuse starts today at Gateway Foundation in Skokie, IL. Our CBT and other therapeutic programs will help you reclaim your life.

Learn more about our behavioral therapies when you contact our Skokie center today. Get in touch with us online or give us a call at 224-479-0878.

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