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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

The concept of “I think therefore I am” illustrates the importance of thought as an essential component of our very existence. What is cognitive behavioral therapy? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based practice that focuses on how thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect feelings and behavior. In other words, how I think determines how I am. CBT aims to teach effective coping strategies for dealing with different problems throughout life. CBT is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior behind people’s difficulties.

What are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

  • Encourages the patient to focus on the solution, not the problem.
  • Prevents addiction relapse.
  • Modifies detrimental behavioral patterns.
  • Research shows CBT helps patients who have faced trauma at some point in their lives.
  • Develops techniques that prepare the patient to deal with different stressors.
  • Replaces harmful thinking patterns with positive ones.
  • Helps patients accept and work on their problems while coming up with solutions instead of avoiding them.

How is CBT Conducted at Gateway?

For a patient with an alcohol use disorder, the focus would shift from the events in their past that caused excessive drinking to the present circumstances that cause them to drink. After determining the factors driving them to drink, the next step would be to change the negative thinking patterns, which ultimately will change the behavioral patterns. In addition, patients would develop the coping skills required to handle difficult situations or stressors in a healthier way that aligns with their values.

Gateway therapists utilize CBT in both individual and group sessions. The therapist’s role is to assist patients in finding and practicing effective strategies to address identified goals and decrease symptoms.

Personalized Addiction Treatment Plans at Gateway

With numerous drug and alcohol rehab centers in Illinois, Gateway provides customized addiction treatment programs for all individuals. We offer a variety of treatment resources, including:

Gateway also understands how co-occurring mental health issues can complicate the addiction recovery process. For this reason, Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs designed to address both addiction and mental health simultaneously.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is just one of many addiction therapy services that we offer. To learn more about our unique addiction recovery programs, contact Gateway today at 877.505.4673.

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