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Tips to Heal a Marriage Hurt by Addiction

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If addiction has impacted your marriage, you may be wondering if the only solution is to separate from your spouse. With work, determination and love, you and your spouse may be able to recover and restore your marriage after addiction.

Whether one or both of you struggle with a substance use problem, there is hope. Here are a few strategies to consider as you set out to rebuild your marriage after the devastation of addiction.

Create a New Marriage

If you or your spouse are in recovery, you may hope to go back to the way things were before. Unfortunately, addiction is often accompanied by deception, neglect and deep hurt. It’s impossible to forget everything that has happened.

Being able to confront the hurt and anger does not mean your marriage is over. In fact, once these issues are addressed and worked through, you may be able to create a new marriage.

While you may look back fondly at the pre-addiction days of your marriage, it’s now time to do things differently. Communicate with your spouse and commit to change.

Go to Marriage Counseling for Addiction

During your or your spouse’s recovery process, there may be an opportunity to attend family or marriage counseling. Just as you need help overcoming the chains of addiction, the marriage trauma after substance abuse should be addressed with professional assistance.

When you and your spouse receive couples therapy for drug addiction together, you can address your individual issues and work together on the underlying problems. Support groups are another helpful resource, where you and your spouse can learn from the experiences of others and receive support from those who have been where you are.

Write Down Your Concerns

No matter how long your family has lived under the oppression of addiction, there are bound to be residual concerns, issues and feelings. These fears will come up eventually and should be addressed as you work on your marriage. However, some people may have difficulty verbalizing their concerns.

Writing out how you feel is cathartic and helps you find the words to talk to your spouse. It may also serve to open the lines of communication damaged by months or years of anger and hurt. The goal is to be honest, not hurtful.

Get Sober Together

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is often experienced by one partner in a marriage. But sometimes, both partners struggle with substance use.

If you’ve decided to get sober together, this is an incredible and powerful step to take as a couple. By walking through the recovery process together, you’ll both become stronger and healthier on the other side.

While you can get help at the same time, recovery is an individual journey. The underlying cause of addiction is as unique as you are. During your treatment, trained rehabilitation professionals can address your individual detox and healing needs.

Recovery Treatment Available at Gateway

If you or your spouse are ready to rebuild your lives and break free from the chaos of addiction, then it’s time to get the help you need. At Gateway, our evidence-based treatment programs are designed to address the personal needs of each individual who comes to us for help.

After speaking with you, our highly experienced team can create a treatment approach that will lead you into a life of sobriety. Whether it’s one partner or a couple in need of help, we are here for you. Find out more about our Chicago-based treatment center by contacting us online. Or call 877.379.9078 to speak to a compassionate member of our team.

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