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The State of The Opioid Epidemic

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Avalere Health’s Findings on the State of the Opioid Epidemic

Health research firm Avalere Health looked at how the different states across the country have responded to the current state of the opioid epidemic. When conducting its research, Avalere took into consideration the amount of buprenorphine providers in the state compared to the opioid overdoses a state has. Avalere specifically looked at the number of buprenorphine providers because medications have been shown to cut the mortality rate among opioid actions by half or even more. Some states have fared better than others during this epidemic, but a lack of access to buprenorphine providers is hurting many with substance use disorder all over the country.

States that have large numbers of buprenorphine providers have fared better as individuals with substance use disorder have more access to these providers and medically implemented treatment plans.

When asking health experts what should be done to address the opioid crisis, all said they would put half of the budget to treatments that have an emphasis on medications, such as buprenorphine.

Opioid Crisis in Illinois

The state of Illinois is one of 11 states plus D.C. that is significantly worse than average when it comes to the ratio of the number of buprenorphine providers to the amount of opioid overdoses in the state. In 2016, 1,946 Illinoisan lives were lost to the opioid crisis and this number is expected to grow.

Gateway’s Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

At Gateway, for the past 50 years, taking the extra step ensuring that the best care is provided for all patients has been the key. It is no different today. Gateway provides Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) when it is it medically appropriate for the patient. MAT is offered at Gateway as part of the comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab programs. The use of medication has been shown to have positive impacts and decrease the likelihood of relapse and overdoses.

The implementation of programs such as MAT is just one of the many steps Gateway has taken to make sure all patients are taken care of. It is through these initiatives that Gateway has consistently received better results than the statewide average according to the DASA Quality Indicators. These stats include higher rates of successful treatment completion, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs at discharge.

To learn more about the current state of the opioid epidemic or to seek help with opioid addiction, call Gateway today at 877.505.4673.

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