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Gateway Director of Events Marty Cook and alum Nick, Share Their Thoughts on Life After Recovery

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For WBEZ’s final Voice of Chicagoland’s Opioid Crisis segment, host Jennifer White spoke to Gateway Director of Events Marty Cook and alum Nick about young people and life after recovery.

To listen to the segment, click here.

“I just imagine that the power, particularly for younger people, to walk into a room and they think their life is over because they’ll never have fun again, and when they walk into a room, they see there’s 50 other people their own age that look just like them, who are young and who are laughing and having fun, but share the same common disease of addiction but are overcoming it and living life.”

Having Fun in Life After Recovery

Marty Cook talks about the importance of young people being able to still have fun without the influence of drugs and alcohol in life after recovery.

“It’s hard to connect definitely in high school. It’s already hard being a teen, and drugs and alcohol gave me that connection.”

How Gateway Helps Teens and Young Adults

Nick speaks about the struggles he faced during his teens and what led him to ultimately starting drinking and using drugs.

“The work we’re doing at Gateway is to create an added layer of support for our alums. When they leave treatment they get connected to other people.”

Marty discusses the work he does for Gateway and the events he plans for the alumni community to make sure alums have a support system in place post-treatment.

“Recovery is possible.”

While reflecting on success stories and the various alums he encounters at his alumni events, Marty speaks to the change he’s seen in those that have left treatment and stayed engaged in the alumni programs.

“I enjoy exactly what I do and I think I’m in the right place and where I need to be.”

About Our Addiction Treatment Programs

Gateway offers numerous addiction treatment programs, including teen rehabilitation programs and rehab programs for young men. For help overcoming addiction or options for life after recovery, call us today at 877.505.4673.

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