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Substance Misuse Treatment Options in Carbondale, IL

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Drug addiction is a serious condition. If you’re ready to break free, this decision takes perseverance and courage. However, recovery is not a journey you need to take alone. The addiction professionals at Gateway Foundation can help. Our Carbondale center specializes in evidence-based substance misuse treatment with a more personalized approach. If you’re ready to fight the disease of addiction, we can help you find a successful and effective path to recovery.

What Is Substance Misuse?

There’s a common misconception that addiction is a moral failing or a lack of self-control. Substance misuse that leads to addiction is, in fact, a complex brain disorder. This disease is characterized by compulsive drug use despite the many negative consequences these substances bring to your life.

There are a variety of variables and triggers that contribute to substance misuse. Yet, the result is the same. Repeated use and misuse of addictive substances like drugs hijack your brain, leading to lost control and intense cravings that make it seem impossible to quit. This makes professional addiction treatment the best solution for recovery.

Treatment Options Available for Substance Use

For over 50 years, Gateway Foundation has been helping people struggling with substance use to find hope and healing. Contacting our center in Carbondale, IL, could be your first step to a life of freedom from addiction.

The disease of addiction can be accompanied by a number of painful and potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms. In addition, there are a variety of emotional, social and psychological factors that must be addressed to understand what lead to a patient’s choices.

Our holistic treatment options offer a different approach. We combine evidence-based medical expertise with compassionate care. This ensures the physical ramifications of addiction are targeted while at the same time helping people understand their individual triggers.

All of our drug addiction treatment options include:

  • Medical supervision
  • A variety of therapeutic modalities
  • Peer support
  • Alumni services and aftercare
Doctor speaking to her client

Drug Misuse Treatment Offerings at Gateway Foundation in Carbondale, IL

Addiction is a disease that varies from person to person. A one-size-fits-all treatment approach isn’t the solution. That’s why we design programs as unique as the individuals who fill them. Our services are aimed at giving each person who walks through our doors their best chance at a successful recovery.

Your first decision is to choose between the accountability of 24/7 treatment found in our residential programs or the flexibility offered by outpatient treatment. No matter which level of care you choose, our team will customize your personalized addiction treatment program.

Your care will include a combination of evidence-based therapies and services, such as:

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Learn About Treatment Options for Substance Misuse at Our Carbondale Center

Gateway Foundation is here to help you experience renewed freedom from a life of addiction. If you struggle with substance misuse, contact our location in Carbondale, IL, to learn how we can help. Or, give us a call at 618.529.1151 for more information.