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Holiday Activities to Do in Recovery

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Around this time of year, avoiding alcohol can be tricky. Still, there are countless ways to enjoy this time with your loved ones while staying sober. We’ve put together a list of family-friendly and sober holiday activities.

1. Play in the Snow

If you live somewhere with snowy weather, bundle up and get outside to enjoy it! You’re never too old to build a snowman or make a snow angel.

2. Have a Movie Marathon

If there’s no snow where you are (or if you’re ready to warm up after a snowball fight), get cozy and settle in for a marathon of some of your favorite holiday movies. There are countless classics to choose from — or you can make your own tradition with friends and family.

3. Celebrate With Some Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Who says that staying sober means you can’t enjoy delicious drinks with your friends and family? There are lots of recipes online for non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy this holiday season.

Try making some hot chocolate in an instant pot. You won’t believe how much better it is than the kind you can get at the grocery store. Avoiding alcohol has never tasted so sweet!

4. Get Creative With Decorating

No matter what your budget is or which holidays you’ll be celebrating, there are lots of ways to brighten up your home this season. Hang up a few strings of lights or make some paper snowflakes. You’ll be in the holiday spirit in no time!

5. Listen to Your Favorite Holiday Songs

Going caroling is a little bit dated in this day and age, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some holiday music in the comfort of your own home. You can find tons of playlists online. Or, better yet, make your own. Listening to music can be a great way to relax on your own, or you can play it in the background while spending time with loved ones.

6. Bake Some Tasty Treats

The holidays are a great time to do some baking. Whether you have a recipe for brownies that has been passed down through your family for years or a new cookie recipe you saw online, break out your baking pans and make something yummy! Plus, even though baking is half the fun, you’ll end up with some delicious treats to share with the ones you love.

7. Spend Time Volunteering

This holiday season, make the most of your warm and fuzzy feelings by helping someone else in need. Volunteering might seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!

If you have the time and energy to help out at a local shelter, that’s great. But even something as simple as helping a neighbor clear snow from their driveway can go a long way in making the season bright.

Searching for Help With Recovery?

The holidays are a time to celebrate, even for those of us in recovery. The caring and compassionate staff at Gateway Foundation is here to provide a support system year-round. Contact us today for resources to get your life on track, and enjoy this holiday season free from addiction.

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