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Addiction Recovery for Blue Collar Workers

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While alcoholism and addiction are struggles faced by many, some careers are more affected. A Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) report shows that blue-collar workers have the highest rates of substance abuse. Some affected industries include construction, mining and manufacturing.

Employees in blue-collar jobs often struggle with alcohol, cocaine, heroin and prescription pills. These drugs are hazardous. They not only harm one’s health but also decrease productivity at work. At Gateway Health, we offer medical detox to help blue collar workers lead sober lives.

Factors Influencing Blue Collar Addiction

Stress, frustration at work, personal problems and genetic factors can all make an individual resort to alcohol and drugs. Stress is usually high in blue-collar environments, leading workers to start using alcohol and drugs to cope. Workplace injuries are also a common cause of blue-collar drug addiction. When someone is injured, they may be given pills to ease pain and discomfort. Prescription drug use can eventually become addictive, so employees need blue-collar pill addiction therapists to help them find sobriety.

Common Substance Addictions Among Blue Collar Workers

Some drugs are abused more than others in blue-collar industries. These variations are a result of various factors, including the accessibility of the drug, affordability considering salary variation and popularity of the drug among a particular demographic.

Here are some of the drugs most abused by blue-collar workers:

  • Alcohol: Most blue-collar workers use alcohol to relax and socialize. Some meet at bars after work, while others such as bartenders and servers use alcohol because it’s part of their job.
  • Opioids: The most commonly abused opioids are morphine, hydrocodone and oxycodone. Workers may be given opioids after an injury and develop an addiction to them by taking more than the prescribed dose or by using them for too long.
  • Tobacco: Tobacco can be chewed, smoked or sniffed. It contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Many blue-collar workers use tobacco to pass the time and end up becoming addicted.
  • Marijuana: Like tobacco, people use marijuana to relax. It alters mood and memory, but long-term use can cause anxiety and other mental health problems. Regular use of marijuana leads to addiction.
  • Cocaine: Blue-collar workers usually use cocaine to help them concentrate on their jobs, although some use it outside of work to relax. Cocaine is highly addictive and provides a sense of extreme happiness. Long-term use is dangerous and can cause bad mental health problems.

Common Process Addictions Among Blue Collar Workers

Aside from legal and illegal drugs, blue-collar workers may also develop process addictions to:

  • Sex
  • Gambling
  • Eating
  • Internet
  • Gaming
  • Working

Addiction Differences in Sub-Groups

Some industries have higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse when compared to others. The following blue-collar industries have the highest rates of substance abuse:

  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Food service
  • Manufacturing

Blue Collar Substance Abuse Treatment

At Gateway Health, we offer an industry-specific blue-collar addiction detox and recovery program for alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs. We also provide drug detox for employees who are addicted to prescription pills. Our medical detox is followed by continued care and support.

We’re dedicated to helping blue-collar workers in their journey to sobriety. Feel free to call our qualified therapists at 877-352-9566 or reach out to us online to get the help you need.

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Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help