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Stimulant Addiction Treatment in Chicago

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Stimulant Addiction Treatment in Chicago

Stimulant addiction is a severe condition and can have long-term implications. Whether prescribed or taken illicitly, any individual who takes stimulants can experience addiction — a pervasive and uncontrollable urge to engage in substance use. Stimulant misuse can lead to feelings of euphoria and increased alertness, and long-term misuse can cause financial and relationship stress, as well as physical and mental health concerns. 

Treatment centers can help those struggling with stimulant addiction heal and prevent long-term consequences. Support services and addiction programs address symptoms to help individuals achieve healthier lifestyles. 

Statistics of Stimulant Abuse

Statistics of Stimulant Abuse

Around 4.9 million Americans aged 12 and over abuse prescription stimulants annually, making them some of the most misused substances in the United States. Some more statistics regarding stimulant misuse include the following: 

What Are Stimulants?

What Are Stimulants?

Stimulants are a class of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system. When used as prescribed and under medical supervision, prescription stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin can help treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy because of their potential to improve focus and reduce impulsivity. 

Illicit stimulants include substances like cocaine and methamphetamine. Stimulants can come in various forms, such as pills, powders and crystalline substances. 

The general effects of stimulants include:

  • Increased alertness and wakefulness
  • Elevated mood and euphoria
  • Increased energy and motivation
  • Appetite suppression
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increased focus and attention

Stimulants have a high potential for misuse and addiction. Individuals may misuse prescription stimulants or turn to illicit substances for feelings of pleasure, heightened energy and increased confidence. In either situation, taking stimulants can lead to positive reinforcement — a person may take them repeatedly to achieve the same effects. 

Misusing stimulants, whether prescription or illicit, can have adverse physical and mental health implications. Long-term use or high doses of stimulants may increase a person’s risk of the following:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
  • Overdose or death

How Do Stimulants Work?

How Do Stimulants Work?

Stimulants increase activity in the central nervous system and target neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters help regulate several brain and body functions, like mood, motivation, arousal and attention. Consider how stimulants work in the brain and body:

  • Dopamine: Stimulants primarily target dopamine, which is involved in the brain’s reward circuitry and pleasure responses. Stimulants inhibit dopamine reuptake, which increases its availability in the brain and enhances its effects. As a result, an individual may experience increased feelings of pleasure, euphoria and motivation. 
  • Serotonin: Serotonin is associated with mood regulation. The effects stimulants have on serotonin vary depending on the specific stimulant. Stimulants that do affect serotonin may elicit effects like decreased anxiety, improved mood and increased feelings of well-being. 
  • Norepinephrine: This neurotransmitter is responsible for the physical effects of stimulants. Physical implications may include changes in heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and breathing rate. Stimulants increase the release and inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters, leading to greater alertness, improved cognitive function and increased focus. 

Because they increase neurotransmitter levels, stimulants can cause stimulating effects, from increased energy to enhanced mood and cognitive function. Their effects make stimulants popular treatments for conditions like ADHD, narcolepsy and sometimes depression. However, their effects on the brain and its reward pathways mean that stimulants have a high potential for misuse and addiction. Prolonged or excessive use can lead to dependence and substance use disorder — characterized by the uncontrollable urge to continue taking stimulants regardless of the consequences. 

There are many reasons an individual may take stimulants, from reversing feelings of mental or physical fatigue and reducing appetite to increasing alertness or producing feelings of exhilaration. Some individuals may also attempt to intensify these effects using specific routes of administration, including smoking, snorting or injecting stimulants. Stimulants are also often ingested in large quantities to achieve a high or rush, often leading to addiction, overdose, coma or death. 

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Types of Stimulants

Stimulants encompass a wide variety of legal and illicit substances, which are classified based on chemical composition, pharmacological effects and medical uses. It’s crucial to remember that even legally prescribed stimulants can be misused for nonmedical purposes, leading to severe health risks. Prescription stimulants should be approached with caution and only used under the guidance of a health care professional. 

Here are some common prescription and illicit stimulants. 



Prescription amphetamines increase the release and inhibit the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine. They are often used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy and have a slower onset and longer duration than illicit stimulants like cocaine. Amphetamines may:

  • Increase body temperature
  • Increase blood pressure and pulse rates
  • Lead to insomnia
  • Cause loss of appetite or physical exhaustion

Adderall, Dexedrine and Vyvanse are examples of common prescription stimulants. Methamphetamine — commonly known as meth — is an illicit form of amphetamine that has a high potential for misuse that can lead to serious health consequences. 


Another type of stimulant medication, methylphenidate, is often used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It works by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. The stimulant is available on the market under the following trade names:

  • Ritalin
  • Concerta
  • Methlyin
  • Metadate
  • Focalin

While both stimulants affect the central nervous system, methylphenidate differs from amphetamine. The effects of methylphenidate tend to be milder than those of amphetamine prescriptions, which come with several body effects like increased heart rate. Instead, patients report a more pronounced impact on cognitive function and thought processes when taking methylphenidate than amphetamines.


Cocaine is a very powerful stimulant. It is derived from the coca plant, which grows almost exclusively in northern and western South Africa. Cocaine most commonly comes in the form of a fine, white powder, though it can also be made into a solid rock crystal. Cocaine rapidly increases dopamine levels, leading to increased energy and intense euphoria. However, cocaine is illegal due to its high potential for addiction and abuse. Taking cocaine can lead to severe health effects, including the following:

  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Mood problems
  • Seizures and convulsions


MDMA, also known as ecstasy or molly, is a synthetic psychoactive drug with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. MDMA increases the release of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which results in euphoria, increased energy and heightened sensory perception. This drug is often associated with recreational use in party settings, but it is illegal in most countries and can pose severe health risks. 

MDMA is frequently taken with other illegal drugs, and pills sold as MDMA can often contain additives — all of which can contribute to serious and sometimes fatal health effects. MDMA can be addictive, and long-term use is associated with cognitive problems. 

Reasons People Abuse Stimulants

Addiction is a complex condition, and the reasons for misusing prescription stimulants or taking them illicitly are vast. The chemical nature of stimulants can cause individuals to spiral into a pattern of misuse, dependence and addiction. 

A combination of genetics, environmental conditions and co-occurring mental health concerns can increase a person’s risk of developing substance use disorder. Take a closer look at each factor below.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic Predisposition

Some people have specific genes that can influence addiction, regardless of the substance taken. One study found that much of the genetic risk relates to self-regulation, which reflects how the brain processes risk and reward. People whose brains are primed toward higher impulsivity may be at a higher risk for numerous forms of substance use disorder like stimulant addiction. 

Individuals whose parents or siblings have struggled with addiction may also be more likely to develop addictive behaviors themselves, revealing another way genetics can influence addiction. However, it’s important to remember that while genetics can contribute to a greater risk of addiction, genetic predisposition does not guarantee addiction.

Environmental Factors

Environmental Factors

Another significant thing to consider is the environmental factors at play. Growing up in an environment where substance use is prevalent, experiencing trauma or having a history of abuse or neglect can increase a person’s risk of developing substance use disorder. 

These external factors may contribute to stimulant misuse or addiction:

  • Academic and career stress: Studies have found a relationship between academic stress or striving for academic success and the development of stimulant addiction. Middle school, high school, college and graduate students, as well as professionals like teachers, may misuse stimulant medications like Adderall or Ritalin to stay awake, focus or increase their productivity. 
  • Peer pressure: Social factors — like peer pressure and social norms — can influence addiction and substance use. People might engage in substance use even if they don’t want to in order to fit in, gain acceptance or receive approval from their social circles. For example, cocaine and MDMA are often used in party settings to increase energy levels and social interactions. 
  • Weight loss and body image: Stimulants are known to suppress appetite and increase metabolism, which can lead to weight loss. Some people might misuse stimulant drugs to control their weight or achieve a desired body image. However, misusing stimulants for this purpose can be ineffective and dangerous — often leading to health conditions ranging from malnourishment to heart problems.

Mental Health Conditions

Mental Health Conditions

Co-occurring mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can contribute to addiction and vice versa. Individuals might turn to stimulants to alleviate distressful symptoms or cope with emotional pain. This puts people with mental health conditions at a higher risk of developing substance use disorder.

While they may temporarily alleviate symptoms of these conditions, stimulants can also worsen mental health symptoms, especially with long-term misuse. The relationship between mental health and addiction can be complex, with each condition intensifying and influencing the other. As a result, a dual diagnosis is often crucial to address the underlying conditions of the addiction and treat them effectively. 

Lack of Healthy Coping Skills

People lacking healthy coping skills or effective stress-management techniques might use stimulants to cope with challenges or emotional difficulties. Without alternative coping strategies, reliance on these substances can quickly escalate into an addiction.

Stimulants might serve as a maladaptive coping mechanism for anyone dealing with life stressors like poverty, trauma, job loss, relationship issues or grief. While drugs might provide temporary relief, numbness or an escape, they can ultimately worsen mental health issues and intensify stress the longer the addiction continues. 

Signs and Symptoms of Stimulant Abuse

Stimulant addiction symptoms and signs can manifest differently, depending on the person. Recognizing the common indicators can help you identify if you or someone you know is experiencing a potential issue with stimulants. Here are some of the signs and symptoms associated with stimulant addiction: 

Misusing the Drug

One of the primary signs of stimulant addiction is misusing prescription drugs or taking illicit substances. Take note of the following warning signs of stimulant misuse that can lead to addiction: 

  • Taking higher doses than prescribed
  • Using stimulants without a prescription
  • Using another person’s medication
  • Taking stimulants for nonmedical purposes, such as for the euphoric effects or performance enhancement
  • Mixing the drug with other substances like alcohol
  • Injecting, snorting or smoking the drug

Misuse can lead to increased tolerance and dependence, where individuals cannot stop taking stimulant medication without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. An inability or strong reluctance to stop taking their prescription is often a strong indicator of an addiction. 

Neglecting Relationships

Neglecting Relationships

People who misuse stimulants or take them illicitly often neglect their relationships. They might withdraw from friends and family, spend less time engaging in social activities and lack interest in maintaining meaningful connections. The focus on obtaining and taking the drug becomes their top priority, leading to strained relationships and social isolation. 

People with stimulant addiction might also withdraw from loved ones to hide and sustain their addiction. They may lie or steal to continue their substance use, leading to deteriorating relationships. 

Physical and Routine Changes

Stimulant addiction can cause noticeable physical and routine changes. Take note of weight loss, which can occur due to the drug’s ability to reduce appetite and increase metabolism. You might also notice neglect of personal hygiene — a person struggling with addiction may have a disheveled appearance and display poor grooming habits. Changes in sleep patterns, insomnia or irregular sleep can also occur.

The physical effects of stimulants can make it difficult for individuals to carry out everyday functions and keep up with work or school, all of which can have profound implications.

Behavioral Changes

Behavioral Changes

Stimulant addiction can lead to several behavioral changes. You might notice the following signs:

  • Changes in sleep
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Unusual excitability
  • Aggression
  • Restlessness
  • Paranoia and anxiety

Individuals with stimulant addiction might display hyperactivity or impulsiveness. They may engage in risk-taking behaviors or activities with a high potential for harm or legal consequences. Secretive behavior is also common — people with addiction might lie about their actions or isolate themselves from loved ones to hide their addiction.

Withdrawal Symptoms

People with stimulant addiction will experience withdrawal symptoms when their doses are reduced or stopped entirely. These symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Trembling
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased appetite
  • Sleep disturbances

Withdrawal symptoms can be intense, often leading people to continue taking stimulants to avoid discomfort.

Effects of Stimulant Abuse

The short- and long-term effects of stimulant addiction can take a significant toll on an individual’s physical and mental health. The brain adapts to repeated stimulant exposure, so the reward pathways become less sensitive to natural reinforcers. Below are some of the common short- and long-term effects of simulant misuse: 

Short-Term Effects

Short-Term Effects

Initial stimulant addiction symptoms may include the following:

  • Increased energy and alertness: Stimulants induce energy and enhance alertness, which helps individuals remain focused and awake for long periods. 
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure: Because stimulants stimulate the central nervous system, they may increase heart rate and blood pressure. These physical effects can put a strain on the cardiovascular system, potentially contributing to heart problems down the line.
  • Decreased appetite: Appetite suppression is a side effect of taking stimulants. People taking stimulants may eat less and potentially lose weight.
  • Improved performance: In the short term, stimulant use can improve cognitive function, focus and attention. Individuals may feel more productive and capable in the short term when they take stimulants. 

Long-Term Physical Health Problems

Stimulant use can have a lasting impact on the body when used in the long term. The following physical effects can occur as a result of long-term stimulant use:

  • Cardiovascular problems: Chronic stimulant addiction can lead to cardiovascular complications, such as heart disease, hypertension, and increased risk of heart attack or stroke. 
  • Respiratory issues: Chronic coughing, lung damage or respiratory infections can result from smoking or injecting stimulants. 
  • Gastrointestinal problems: Issues like gastrointestinal bleeding, stomach ulcers and appetite disturbances can result from stimulant addiction.
  • Malnutrition and weight loss: Decreased appetite can cause malnutrition in those dealing with stimulant addiction. 
  • Dental and skin problems: Methamphetamine use, in particular, can cause tooth decay, tooth loss, gum disease and other dental issues. Intravenous (IV) drug use can lead to skin infections and scarring.
  • Sexual and reproductive issues: Hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunction, fertility problems or menstrual irregularities can result from stimulant use. 
  • Overdose: Some factors that can lead to overdose include taking stimulants in higher doses than prescribed, mixing stimulants or taking increased amounts of illicit stimulants can lead to overdose, coma or death. Overdose symptoms may include seizures, psychosis, loss of consciousness and arrhythmias. 

Long-Term Psychological Effects

Prolonged addiction can have a profound psychological impact on people and can cause mental health problems and changes in behavior or cognition. Consider the long-term mental effects of stimulant addiction: 

  • Mood disorders: Multiple mood disorders like depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder can result from long-term stimulant use. 
  • Psychosis: Psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and paranoia may occur alongside long-term stimulant addiction, especially when stimulants are taken in high doses or combined with substances like alcohol.
  • Cognitive impairment: Extended stimulant use or misuse can lead to cognitive deficits, such as memory problems and difficulty concentrating and carrying out everyday tasks.
  • Impulsivity and risk-taking: Stimulant addiction is sometimes associated with impulsive behavior, poor decision-making and engaging in risky activities that can be dangerous or have long-term consequences. Examples include driving while under the influence, engaging in unprotected sex or getting in risky situations to obtain substances. 

Social Impact

Addiction to stimulants can strain relationships and have an immense social impact. Any substance use disorder can lead to isolation and difficulties maintaining employment or academic performance. Individuals might withdraw from friends and family members out of feelings of shame or to continue their addiction without suspicion. They may have trouble getting to work or school, leading to job loss or poor school performance.

Stimulant use can also cause personality changes and lead to irritability, aggression and emotional instability. These behavioral changes can make connecting with others and maintaining meaningful relationships challenging. Ultimately, the social impact of addiction cannot be overstated, as it can often contribute to other issues like depression and continued substance use. 

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Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

It’s important to note that many mental health conditions can co-occur alongside stimulant use disorder and exacerbate the complexity of a person’s addiction. The most common co-occurring conditions include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Depressive disorders
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Other substance use disorders like opioid or alcohol addiction

Any of these conditions can further impact a person’s overall well-being and complicate the addiction treatment process. That’s why addressing all aspects of a person’s addiction is crucial to achieving a successful treatment outcome. 

Integrated treatment approaches that simultaneously target substance use and mental health conditions can promote long-term recovery. This might involve a combination of medication, therapy, support services and lifestyle changes designed for each individual’s needs.

Stimulant Addiction Treatment

Stimulant addiction is a complex condition requiring comprehensive care to address all aspects. Professional treatment centers can help you with addiction’s physical, psychological and behavioral aspects and help you get started on a healthier, happier path.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, learn more about the standard approaches that can help:



Treatment for stimulant addiction often begins with medical detox to address withdrawal symptoms. Without caring for these uncomfortable symptoms, it can be difficult for individuals to focus on the other aspects of recovery. 

Withdrawal symptoms can include fatigue, paranoia and drug cravings. Medical professionals will monitor you during this stage to keep you safe and comfortable. Many medications can lessen or relieve withdrawal symptoms, while others can help treat co-occurring conditions that impact addiction, such as depression and anxiety. 

Following detox, medical professionals will design a treatment program that addresses your stimulant addiction symptoms as well as your unique history and situation. Common treatment environments include inpatient and outpatient treatment centers.

Inpatient Residential Treatment 

Inpatient, or residential treatment, comprises around-the-clock care within a hospital or residential setting. These environments often provide a mix of therapeutic approaches and medical attention to promote lasting recovery. 

In residential care, patients live with others facing addiction and receive support services. The space is free of substances and triggers that could provoke stimulant use. Inpatient treatment centers provide:

  • Nutritious meals
  • Comfortable rooms to rest in
  • Exercise
  • Wellness activities that contribute to better well-being

Treatment programs in residential settings can involve individual and group therapy sessions, dual-diagnosis programs to address co-occurring conditions and medicines to manage withdrawal or mental health symptoms. These treatment centers often provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to help you manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms while receiving therapy. 

Residential treatment centers can provide many benefits for patients with stimulant addiction, including a substance-free environment, a structured schedule to promote healthy habits and 24/7 support from therapists and medical health professionals. The structure and support of inpatient care are designed to encourage a substance-free lifestyle post-treatment. 

Outpatient Treatment

Unlike residential treatment, outpatient care allows patients to attend their addiction programs during weekdays and return home at night. The flexibility and convenience of outpatient treatment make it helpful for professionals and students hoping to recover from addiction while keeping up with academic, career and personal obligations. 

Intensive outpatient programs tend to be more affordable than inpatient care, as they are typically only offered a few times a week. The type of treatment suits people hoping to balance home or childcare duties and treatment or those uninterested in residential care. 

And for those who want a more intensive program, partial hospitalization programs can provide both addiction treatment and health care services while allowing patients to return home at night. Similar to inpatient treatment, these programs offer medicines, therapy and structured plans to help patients achieve a substance-free lifestyle. 



Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient stimulant addiction treatment, you can opt for the following therapies to help you with underlying issues and achieve a healthier, happier life free of substances: 

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This widely-used therapeutic approach is often used to treat addiction for various reasons. It can help you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with substance use. In CBT therapy sessions, you’ll develop healthy coping strategies, enhance problem-solving skills and learn relapse prevention techniques. 
  • Contingency management: A type of behavioral therapy, contingency management provides rewards or incentives for maintaining a substance-free life. It reinforces positive behaviors and discourages maladaptive ones. The rewards might include privileges, cash or prizes. 
  • Motivation interviewing: Motivational interviewing is a counseling technique that focuses on resolving ambivalence and increasing motivation to change. It can help you explore potential reasons for change, overcome barriers to change, set goals and develop a recovery plan.
  • Support groups: Support groups, including 12-step programs, can be invaluable in the recovery process. These groups provide crucial support and a nonjudgmental environment where you can share your experiences, get encouragement and learn from others who have faced similar challenges. 

Stimulant Addiction Treatment FAQ

Here are the answers to common questions about stimulant addiction and addiction treatment. 

1. How Long Is Treatment?

Generally, treatment lasts from several weeks to several months. However, the specific duration of stimulant addiction treatment varies on a person’s needs, the severity of the addiction and their response to treatment. 

The first step in treatment is detox, during which your body gets cleansed of substances. Detox might last a few days to a week. Inpatient care can last around a month or longer, while outpatient treatment can span several months and include regular therapy sessions and check-ins. 

Always try to remember: Recovery from addiction is a lifelong journey. Ongoing support is crucial — after completing formal treatment, it’s often imperative to participate in aftercare programs, continued individual and group therapy, and healthy lifestyle changes to maintain sobriety and promote overall well-being. Health care professionals should determine your treatment program length. They will assess your progress and needs on an individual basis. 

2. Does Tolerance Affect Withdrawal? 

Tolerance can sometimes affect the withdrawal process. When someone develops stimulant tolerance, their body gets used to the presence of a substance. Because of this, the body requires higher doses to achieve the same effects as before. People who become tolerant of stimulants may take increasingly larger amounts to keep experiencing the desired effects. 

People who stop taking stimulants or reduce their stimulant intake enter the withdrawal stage. The withdrawal phase is often accompanied by uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects. Individuals experiencing tolerance may have more severe withdrawal symptoms because their body has become accustomed to higher doses. They may have intense psychological and physical symptoms when they suddenly stop taking the drug.

Withdrawal symptoms and their severity and duration depend on the person. Seeking withdrawal management from health professionals who can provide the proper guidance and support. They may also prescribe medications to help manage symptoms and aid in the detox process. 

3. What Do Stimulants Look Like? 

Stimulants come in various forms: 

  • Tablets and capsules: Adderall, Dexedrine and other prescription amphetamines typically come in small tablets or capsules. They may be white and green or blue and orange, and they may have markings to indicate dosage. 
  • Crystals: Methamphetamine can appear as a crystalline powder, clear crystals or bluish crystals. Meth may also take the form of a pill or powder that can be snorted, injected or smoked.
  • White powder: Cocaine usually appears as a fine white powder. However, it may also come in crystal or rock-like forms in the case of crack cocaine. The powder form is usually packaged in small plastic bags. Synthetic cathinones — which are like a cousin of amphetamines — can also come in white or off-white powders and are usually packaged in small bags or containers. 

4. What Are Some Stimulant Harm Reduction Strategies?

The following strategies can help minimize the risks of stimulant use:

  • Education: Learning more about the effects, risks and potential harms of stimulant use is crucial. 
  • Safer use practices: Encouraging people to avoid sharing needles is important for reducing the risk of infection.
  • Overdose prevention: It’s also necessary to learn the signs of stimulant overdose and understand how to administer naloxone, which can reverse opioid and some stimulant overdoses.
  • Support services: Services like counseling, therapy and support groups can help someone struggling with addiction and mental health conditions. 

These harm reduction strategies prioritize the health and well-being of those taking stimulants while acknowledging that abstinence might not be immediately possible or realistic. Professionals can help you keep loved ones safe with tailored harm-reduction strategies. 

5. What Medications Are Used in Treatment? 

Vivitrol or Suboxone are sometimes recommended to aid patients through withdrawal and detox. These medications are not a substitute for long-term care, but they can help individuals focus on their recovery and help the body heal from the effects of stimulants. Medical professionals may also recommend medications that help with co-occurring mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. 

Gateway was one of the best decisions of my life they truly saved me from the road I was headed down! I would love to thank the staff and of course my amazing counselor Adrain really helped me refocus my life on the right path without gateway I wouldn’t have made it thank you and I love this place I always come back to alumni meeting and events.

My family member just competed her 28 day stay she had a great experience the staff is wonderful and treated her with respect and went above and beyond to help her. Gateway saved my family members life. It was not easy finding a nice inpatient rehab and gateway made the whole process very smooth we are so thankful we found this facility. Thank you gateway.

Spent some time here and got some great tools to help me in my recovery. My counselors in the women’s unit were great and supportive. Love the monthly alumni meetings after treatment, great way to stay connected.

A little over 7 years ago I decided to seek treatment for alcohol and drug addiction and chose this facility as a place to try and arrest my disease and I have been clean and sober ever since. After 30 days inpatient treatment and 9 months outpatient I was able to achieve that goal. I recommend this facility to anyone who truly wants freedom from active addiction.

This place honestly saved my life. I was so bad my counselor said in the 2 years she was working there my case was the most unique she’s ever had, and now I’m almost 15 months clean!

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Gateway was one of the best decisions of my life they truly saved me from the road I was headed down! I would love to thank the staff and of course my amazing counselor Adrain really helped me refocus my life on the right path without gateway I wouldn’t have made it thank you and I love this place I always come back to alumni meeting and events.

My family member just competed her 28 day stay she had a great experience the staff is wonderful and treated her with respect and went above and beyond to help her. Gateway saved my family members life. It was not easy finding a nice inpatient rehab and gateway made the whole process very smooth we are so thankful we found this facility. Thank you gateway.

Spent some time here and got some great tools to help me in my recovery. My counselors in the women’s unit were great and supportive. Love the monthly alumni meetings after treatment, great way to stay connected.

A little over 7 years ago I decided to seek treatment for alcohol and drug addiction and chose this facility as a place to try and arrest my disease and I have been clean and sober ever since. After 30 days inpatient treatment and 9 months outpatient I was able to achieve that goal. I recommend this facility to anyone who truly wants freedom from active addiction.

This place honestly saved my life. I was so bad my counselor said in the 2 years she was working there my case was the most unique she’s ever had, and now I’m almost 15 months clean!

Stimulant Addiction Treatment in Chicago 

Stimulant Addiction Treatment in Chicago

Stimulant addiction is complex, and it has various causes and multiple short- and long-term effects. When they receive the proper treatment and support, individuals can overcome addiction to lead fulfilling lives free of substances.

If you or someone you love is struggling with stimulant addiction, Gateway Foundation in Chicago can help. Our experienced team of professionals understands the complexities of addiction and offers individualized treatment tailored to your specific needs. We provide a range of services to promote long-lasting recovery, including evidence-based therapies, counseling, support services and a range of holistic services. Our team of health professionals is committed to helping you regain control of your life and achieve long-term sobriety. 

Contact us today to start your journey toward healing.

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