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Evidence Based Treatment

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Evidence-Based Treatment Center

Combining concrete research with a goal-focused and tailored approach, evidence-based treatment for substance use has shown to be highly effective. How does this method work, and what are the different types? Below, we’ll explore a list of evidence-based practices in substance misuse treatment.

What Are Evidence-Based Treatments?

There are several ways to approach addiction treatment. Many top addiction treatment centers have shifted towards evidence-based treatment options in recent years. Evidence-based therapy is one that has gone through scientific research and testing.

Scientific organizations will publish the results if the results come back consistent and supportive of the base theory. Literally, the treatment method has the support of the evidence.

Types of Evidence-Based Therapy

When addiction treatment specialists decide to use evidence-based treatment, they have several options to choose from. The objective of said treatment is to look closely at behavioral patterns and find ways to make adjustments. Here’s a list of the most prominent evidence-based therapy options.

1. 12-Step Facilitation (TSF) Therapy

Exampled by groups such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), TSF is a strategy designed to engage individuals with 12-step community groups. These meetings encourage fellowship-based support, accountability, guidance, structure, and routine.

A counselor provides educational sessions to help participants incorporate 12-step groups, engagement coaching, and exploration of previous experiences into their personal recovery plans. As part of the evidence-based treatment service model, all patients are encouraged to attend on-site and community 12-step meetings. The advantages of this program include:

  • Explanation of the 12-step concepts, including their history and role in recovery
  • Forums to ask questions and express concerns
  • Support of initial involvement in 12-step programs like NA and AA
  • Opportunities to discuss experiences from 12-step meetings
  • Reduced anxiety and uncertainty about 12-step meetings

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is based on the philosophy that thoughts and behaviors play a significant role in addiction. Therefore, people dealing with addiction should first understand and modify their thought patterns before they can truly change their behaviors.

CBT is a goal-oriented psychotherapy that aims to challenge your current mindset and promote positive change. It helps detect negative feelings and beliefs that contribute to unhealthy actions. People of all ages can benefit from this evidence-based therapy. 

CBT is particularly helpful for addressing substance use disorder. It can also help manage co-occurring conditions with drug or alcohol use, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

3. Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

MI aims to help patients explore and overcome ambivalence. The goal is to improve one’s readiness and commitment to make changes toward their recovery. During MI, a participant is asked to identify the positive aspects of sobriety. Some examples might be financial stability, improved relationships, better health, or a greater sense of purpose. By encouraging patients to concentrate on these benefits, MI can motivate them to commit to recovery and make these positives a reality.

Besides the positives, MI also prompts patients to consider the negatives of addiction, like how it affects their physical and mental health, relationships, careers, and finances. While MI can be effective for any patient, it especially helps people who haven’t fully committed to recovery.

4. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

An approach based on CBT, DBT is a type of psychotherapy geared toward those who experience intense emotions. It aims to help people accept the reality of their behaviors and change their lifestyle. DBT is beneficial for those who find it challenging to control and regulate their emotions. It can help treat and manage substance use disorder, along with a variety of co-occurring conditions:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • BPD
  • Eating disorders like bulimia and binge eating disorder
  • PTSD
  • Self-harm and suicidal behavior

During DBT sessions, you’ll learn to:

  • Cultivate a higher sense of awareness, acceptance, and open-mindedness
  • Balance your own needs with the ones of those around you
  • Experience intense feelings while staying calm and rational
  • Accept that ideas contradictory to yours can be true

5. Interactive Journaling

Interactive journaling is an evidence-based writing technique. It encourages patients to reflect on their behavioral and mental health struggles to motivate a positive change in their lives. This form of therapy uses interactive journaling booklets, guided questions, and graphic-supported text to help participants explore the emotions that influence destructive behaviors.

Professionally guided interactive journaling can be a valuable tool in helping people overcome substance use disorder. It gives patients a healthy outlet to process their thoughts and track their progress. It also lets them reflect on their current triggers and coping mechanisms, devising new strategies to confront challenging situations.

Interactive journaling can provide numerous benefits, such as:

  • Better coping skills
  • Personal growth
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
  • Greater self-awareness

The Benefits of Evidence-Based Treatment

Here are some valuable attributes of evidence-based treatment that make it a worthwhile course of action for patients.

The Benefits of Evidence-Based Treatment

1. Reliability

Evidence-based therapy is based on various forms of research, including:

  • Peer-reviewed studies
  • Meta-analyses
  • Case studies
  • Quantitative and qualitative data
  • Randomized controlled trials
  • Ethnographic studies

Because it relies on solid evidence instead of personal opinion, evidence-based therapy minimizes the risk of bias during treatment. You can have peace of mind knowing your counselor conducts each session with scientifically proven evidence.

2. Versatility

Evidence-based therapy can help treat and manage an array of conditions, including drug or alcohol use, PTSD, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and many more. People of all ages and backgrounds can receive this type of care. No matter your unique circumstances and challenges, evidence-based therapy is a viable option that can drive life-changing results.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Due to their high success rate, evidence-based therapies are often less costly than other treatments. They can reduce healthcare costs, such as fewer hospital admissions and the decreased need for continued treatments. In fact, a study showed that evidence-based intervention reduced healthcare expenses and the number of medical procedures in the outpatient setting, all without sacrificing patient satisfaction.

4. Collaborative and Personalized Programs

Evidence-based therapy offers more freedom and flexibility than other treatments. It doesn’t adhere to a rigorous, cookie-cutter framework. Besides being backed by scientific data, it can be customized to patients’ values, circumstances, needs, and goals. It uses a collaborative approach and shared decision-making, empowering participants and giving them a voice in their treatment plans.

5. Accountability and Progress Tracking

The structured design of evidence-based therapy includes ongoing assessments and goal tracking. Both the counselor and patient can monitor the treatment plan’s effectiveness and make changes as needed.

6. Ongoing Learning Opportunities

Evidence-based therapy encourages learning during treatment and long after. It’s based on the principle that learning should persist as long as research is conducted and released. By staying up-to-date with new information, providers can expand their knowledge to improve treatment quality for their patients.

How to Find Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Programs for Addiction

If you’re seeking evidence-based treatment for a loved one or yourself, the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) represents hundreds of addiction treatment practitioners. It has an extensive directory of licensed service providers.

Gateway Foundation is a trusted provider on this list. If you’re searching for evidence-based treatment in the Illinois area, we invite you to explore our available services.

Residential Treatment Experience

Residential Treatment Experience

Other Treatment Options Available at Gateway Foundation

Other Treatment Options Available at Gateway Foundation

Beyond our evidence-based therapy programs, we also offer standard and holistic treatment options. We desire to address every aspect of the resident’s addiction and apply a complete remedy.

The real value of having many available treatment options is that we can customize treatment for each patient. We recognize that all patients have unique circumstances surrounding their addictions. Our other services in our nationwide network of treatment centers include:

Learn More About How Gateway Foundation Can Help

If you’re considering evidence-based therapy for yourself or a loved one, Gateway Foundation offers this treatment through our multiple facilities in Illinois. From 12-step facilitation to CBT and DBT, we provide a range of evidence-based treatments designed to drive a powerful, lasting change in your life.

Let us help you or your loved one move forward in overcoming addiction. Contact us today for more information about our evidence-based treatment programs.

Learn More About How Gateway Foundation Can Help