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Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction in Springfield, IL

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

At the core of addiction is often negative thoughts, beliefs and values. By addressing these, many people find that they are able to overcome addictive behaviors and successfully pursue recovery.

At Gateway Foundation in Aurora, IL, we offer a variety of evidence-based therapies to address the physical, mental and emotional effects of addiction. Our cognitive-behavioral therapy program can help bring attention to how your thinking, beliefs and values have impacted addiction.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic modality that allows the patient and therapist to work together to overcome issues like addiction. It examines the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors as well as self-destructive actions like substance use.

CBT is problem-focused and goal-oriented and directly addresses the challenging symptoms associated with addiction. CBT is far from passive, so patients can expect to be active participants in their own care. Cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions focus on:

  • Changing negative, and often deeply rooted, thoughts, beliefs and values
  • Improving emotional regulation
  • Developing personal coping skills to address cravings and triggers

Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment

If you struggle with destructive and negative thinking, you are not alone. These unhealthy cognitive distortions are very common among those who struggle with addiction. Cognition affects your overall health and well-being. Recognizing and changing these harmful thought patterns is essential to recovery.

When used as part of your individualized addiction treatment program, cognitive-behavioral therapy offers a variety of benefits:

  • Explores patterns of behavior, thoughts and beliefs that have led to addiction
  • Modifies thought and behavior patterns
  • Replaces negative feelings with positive ones
  • Teaches acceptance so patients focus on facing and solving challenges rather than avoiding them
  • Focuses on solutions rather than problems
  • Teaches patients practical and helpful strategies to deal with triggers like stress
  • Helps prevent addiction relapse
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How We Use CBT for Addiciton Treatment in Aurora, IL

At Gateway Foundation, we use cognitive-behavioral therapy in many of our individual and group therapy sessions. Our therapists work with you to discover past behaviors that may have lead to addiction. We then switch to the present, teaching you the skills you need to cope with triggers in a healthy and productive way.

We aim to give you successful strategies that you can use to help achieve your personal goals. Even after your time with us is over, we offer a continuum of care to support you throughout your entire recovery journey.

Along with CBT, we utilize a variety of other therapies and treatment programs to create an individualized approach to your care. These may include:

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Learn More About Cognitive-Behavioral Addiction Therapy in Aurora

If you want to change harmful thought patterns and behaviors to help you in your fight against addiction, consider the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy. To learn more about CBT and begin the journey to a new and healthy you, contact Gateway Foundation in Aurora by calling 855-944-3595.

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