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Benefits of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Addiction in Lake Villa, IL

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

After a life of addiction, sometimes it helps to reflect on the behaviors and patterns that led you to this point. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a technique used to help those recovering from addiction identify and modify the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that may have contributed to your addiction.

As part of our comprehensive therapeutic services, Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, IL, is proud to offer DBT as part of your personalized care program.

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is a therapeutic technique used to address and treat difficult behaviors and psychological disorders. The principles of DBT evolved from cognitive-behavioral therapy and are especially effective for those struggling with addiction and other mental health disorders.

Attempting to force an addicted individual to change can cause them to become reactive, shut down emotionally or act out with aggression. Anger and hostility toward therapy means that a patient can’t or won’t benefit from this healing process. DBT was designed as a solution to this.

Dialectical behavior therapy focuses on accepting seemingly opposite ideas — thus the term “dialectic.” If you can allow that ideas which seem to oppose your own can both be true, you may no longer feel the need to defend your own truth.

Within our DBT program, you’ll form an alliance with your therapist to achieve the main components of this therapeutic technique:

  • An open, aware and accepting state of mind
  • A balance between your own needs with those of others
  • Emotion regulation that allows you to experience a range of emotions while keeping perspective and behaving in a manner that aligns with your core values
  • New skills and strategies to manage extreme emotions and physical or emotional pain
  • The ability to experience intense feelings while still remaining rational
  • Acceptance that belief systems, personal ideas and assumptions about the world that seem to oppose your own can also be true

Benefits of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment

The skills you learn in dialectical behavior therapy can move beyond addiction rehab into your everyday life in recovery. Some of the benefits of this technique include:

  • Encourages you to change aspects of your life that you can control
  • Teaches you to set goals
  • Helps you embrace positive changes in your life
  • Decreases the negative behaviors that have impacted your life and relationships
  • Teaches you coping skills for intense emotions so you can respond in a positive way
  • Prepares you with conflict resolution skills
  • Helps you remain aware, mindful and open about both internal and external situations
  • Forces you to address any challenges to your long-term recovery so you can work through these successfully
  • Encourages you to build interpersonal relationships
  • Keeps a constant focus on your recovery
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How We Use DBT for Addiciton Treatment in Villa, IL

DBT is just one of many individual and group addiction therapies we utilize to provide you with the most effective care possible. When you come to our Lake Villa Center, we take the time to get to know your needs and addiction so we can design a personalized treatment program.

Your treatment could include dialectical behavior therapy and any number of other clinically-proven services, including:

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Learn More About Dialectical Behavior Addiction Therapy

If you are looking for effective addiction treatment in Lake Villa, IL, Gateway Foundation is here for you. Contact us to learn how we incorporate dialectical behavior therapy and other clinically-based services into your individual treatment plan. Call us today at 877–381–6538.

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