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Benefits of Group Counseling for Addiction in Lake Villa, IL

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Therapist leading a group therapy session

Group Counseling

Addiction is more than a physical disease. The mental, emotional and social ramifications of substance misuse often have far more reaching impacts. If you want to get sober, receiving counseling can help you address the underlying psychological and social factors that lead to relapse. While individual therapy is key, group counseling creates a unique culture where you’re surrounded by others who understand your recovery struggles and are there to cheer your successes.

At Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, IL, we offer safe and effective group counseling services for addiction as part of many of our patients’ personalized treatment programs.

Man leading discussion on group therapy

What is Group Counseling?

As the name implies, group counseling is a therapeutic modality involving a small group of people working together to better understand their addictions and set recovery goals. Counseling in a group setting targets substance misuse by providing an outlet to open up to others about your struggles. Sessions are led by a highly trained counselor who helps create a safe space where group members can open up about their feelings and relate to others in more positive ways.

At Gateway Lake Villa, we use group counseling to help our patients better understand the disease of addiction while simultaneously finding support from their peers. While no one is required to share, the group synergy often elicits openness and vulnerability. The ultimate goal is to help members discover they’re not alone and learn from others who are successfully changing, growing and developing new coping skills.

How Group Counseling Helps with Addiction

At Gateway Foundation, every aspect of your care is designed to help you fight addiction. Group counseling is no different. This form of therapy offers incredible benefits, such as:

  • Combats isolation: Members who feel misunderstood or alone learn there are others like them.
  • Provides identification: Few counselors understand the experience of addiction. Group counseling surrounds you with those who identify with your journey.
  • Opens communication: patients often gain more insight into their addiction during group sessions, as they sometimes feel more comfortable sharing here than during individual therapy.
  • Encourages recovery: Group times are opportunities to glean firsthand advice from others who have been where you are.
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What You can Expect with Group Counseling Sessions in Lake Villa, IL

Everything that occurs during your treatment program revolves around communication. While the fellow members of your group will be strangers at first, you will begin to view them as allies as time goes on. The relationships formed here often serve as an ongoing source of support.

Your group counseling will be accompanied by various other programs and clinical services tailored to your unique needs. These could include:

Man talking in the phone

Learn More About Our Group Counseling Center for Addiction in Lake Villa, IL

Addiction is a lonely disease. Group counseling helps you break free from isolation and provides you with companionship and understanding. To learn more about group counseling and our other individualized treatments and services available at Gateway Lake Villa, please contact us today.

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