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Joliet, IL, Drug Rehab Center

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Drug Rehab Center in Joliet, Illinois

Drug addiction impacts nearly every aspect of your life, from your job or school responsibilities to your relationships with friends and family. Yet, despite all the problems created by drug use, many people find it incredibly hard to quit on their own. At Gateway Foundation in Joliet, Illinois, our drug addiction treatment center offers a safe and effective path to recovery.

If you or someone you love struggles with drug addiction, our comprehensive, evidence-based recovery services may be the support you need for a renewed, drug-free life.

Woman sitting on couch looking out window

What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a substance use disorder characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on drugs. This disease makes it nearly impossible to control your drug use. When most people think of drug addiction, they usually imagine illicit substances like cocaine or heroin. However, many legal drugs can be addictive as well. In fact, some of the most commonly abused drugs are prescription opioids.

Drug addiction often leads to intense cravings and severe withdrawal symptoms, making it difficult to stop even if you want to.

woman sitting looking out a window

What are the Signs of Drug Addiction?

Depending on the type of substance being misused and the severity of the addiction, signs of drug use vary from person to person, though some are more prevalent than others. Here are some of the most common warning signs that could indicate a substance use disorder:

  • Unable to stop or control drug misuse
  • Needing to use the drug often to feel “normal”
  • Requiring more and more of the drug to achieve its original effects
  • Problems at work or school due to drug use
  • Working to maintain a steady supply of the drug
  • Financial difficulties due to drug use
  • Relationship problems due to drug use

Choosing a Drug Addiction Rehab Center in Joliet, Illinois

If drug use is negatively impacting your life or robbing you of the people and activities you love, it’s essential to seek professional help. Choosing the right drug addiction treatment center will increase your chances of a successful recovery. Gateway Foundation in Joliet, Illinois, is a welcoming and caring environment where you will receive comprehensive, personalized care based on your needs. Within our drug treatment facility, you will find:

Professional Treatment for a Range of Addictions

Our medical and clinical professionals specialize in treating drug addiction to a variety of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, steroids and prescription drugs.

Outpatient and Inpatient Options

Choose the recovery environment that provides you with the most support. We offer both outpatient and inpatient care.

Personalized Approach

No two people facing drug addiction are the same. That’s why we tailor our care to your needs. We offer various clinical services and strategies, including group therapy, motivational interviewing, medication-assisted treatment and many different individual therapies.

Co-Occurring Services

For those who have an underlying mental health condition, like PTSD or depression, dual diagnosis services treat both addiction and mental illness simultaneously.

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Reach Out to Gateway Foundation in Joliet

At our Joliet drug addiction treatment center, we are dedicated to helping you overcome drug misuse to lead a happier, more productive life. We provide you with the support you need every step of the way, from intake until the day you walk out our door and beyond. Learn more when you contact us online or call 815-458-5882.

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