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Addiction Treatment Services in Joliet, IL

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Therapist talking to a group of her patients

We can Help

Are you seeking addiction treatment services in Joliet, Illinois? If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you should understand the recovery process and addiction treatment services available. To get the help you need, Gateway Foundation offers a variety of treatments for addiction in Joliet, Illinois.

What is Addiction?

Though many incorrectly believe that addiction is caused by a lack of willpower or moral failing, the reality is that addiction is a brain disease. Most who suffer from addiction need more than good intentions and willpower to overcome it, as drug use or alcohol addiction over the long term can alter brain chemistry and make quitting extremely difficult — even if you have the drive to work toward recovery.

Because addiction affects brain chemistry, it also impacts behavior. Seeking drugs or alcohol becomes a compulsive urge that is incredibly challenging to control, despite devastating consequences. Even if you start using drugs or alcohol voluntarily, a few factors can make you more susceptible to developing an addiction, such as:

  • Environment: Your environment — including factors such as family, friends, quality of life and socioeconomic status — may put you at a greater risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs. Stress, peer pressure, abuse and exposure to drugs or alcohol early in life may increase your risk for developing an addiction.
  • Heredity: Heredity accounts for approximately half your risk for developing a drug or alcohol addiction. Other biological dangers include gender, ethnicity and mental health conditions.
  • Development: You may be more likely to develop an addiction if drug or alcohol use begins during an early stage of your brain’s development. For example, since a teen’s brain is still developing, using alcohol or drugs as a teen puts you at a particularly high risk.

The more risk factors that you face, the higher your chances are of developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

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Options for Addiction Treatment in Joliet, Illinois

Therapy for addiction at Gateway Joliet includes:

How Gateway Foundation uses Addiction Treatment Services in Joliet

We offer a variety of treatments for addiction to create an individualized treatment plan:

  • Detox and withdrawal: Addiction treatment services typically start with detoxification, also known as medically monitored withdrawal. During your treatment, you may get medication that can reduce or prevent your withdrawal symptoms.
  • Psychological counseling: You may also participate in individual or group counseling to help you on your road to recovery. If your family members have been impacted by your addiction, for example, you may all benefit from family therapy.
  • Support groups: When you join a support group, you can receive peer support to help you manage or prevent relapses and abstain from drinking or drug use. A support group may also help you make needed lifestyle changes.
  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy helps treat mental health illnesses that occur with the addiction.
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Learn More About How We can Help

Contact us today for additional information about our addiction treatment services in Joliet, Illinois.