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Support for Those Overcoming Addiction in Joliet, IL

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How can you offer support for your loved one overcoming addiction? Your help during their process of recovering from alcohol or drug addiction can be invaluable. To offer your encouragement during this challenging time, you should understand the signs of addiction, how the process for overcoming addiction works and how you can support your loved one throughout their journey.

Recognizing Addiction in a Loved One

At Gateway Foundation, we are here to support those overcoming addiction in Joliet, Illinois. However, you may not know how to recognize substance use, even in those you care for. Addiction is a pervasive disease, and it often influences all areas of a person’s life. That means you may notice physical, behavioral and even social signs of a substance use disorder.

Some of the physical symptoms your loved one may display include:

  • Nausea and other digestive issues.
  • Flushed skin.
  • Headaches.
  • Insomnia.
  • Trembling hands.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Track marks.
  • Dramatic weight loss.

Behavioral changes caused by substance use can impact your loved one’s relationships and daily functioning. These include:

  • Irritability or frequent arguments.
  • Mood swings.
  • Acting secretive or hiding behavior.
  • Memory loss.
  • Telling lies.
  • Neglecting friends or family.
  • Losing interest in hobbies and activities they once enjoyed.
  • Engaging in risky behaviors.
  • Neglecting basic hygiene.
  • Frequently borrowing money or stealing.

Substance addiction often co-occurs with psychological disorders, such as depression or anxiety. If your loved one struggles with their mental health, they may use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate and ease their symptoms. This correlation sometimes makes it more difficult to spot a substance addiction, as the signs may be less obvious. 

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The Process to Overcoming Addiction

Has your loved one decided to overcome addiction? Making this choice is a brave move and not a process that should be tackled alone. When your loved one works with the addiction professionals at Gateway Joliet, their recovery will be relaxed, comfortable and more successful. Our process for overcoming addiction includes:

  1. Accessing medical support and assistance.
  2. Receiving support from peers at a drug addiction center.
  3. Finding joy and fulfillment without substance use.
  4. Understanding the underlying problems that can lead to addiction.

How to Provide Addiction Support in Joliet, Illinois

If you’re looking for ways to offer support for a loved one who is overcoming addiction, you can start by:

  • Researching and educating yourself on what the person is experiencing.
  • Modeling positive, healthy behaviors.
  • Actively listening to the person’s feelings and needs.
  • Accepting that you are unable to change the person.
  • Trying not to engage in enabling behaviors.
  • Acknowledging that you cannot control the person and are not responsible for their actions.

Additionally, you may choose to participate in family therapy, which can help you understand how to support your loved one and work toward your own healing.

Treatment and Support Services Available at Our Joliet Center

Related treatment and support services at Gateway Joliet include:

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