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Benefits of 12-Step Recovery Treatment for Addiction in Joliet, IL

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12-Step Recovery

One of the options we offer for addiction treatment at Gateway Joliet is the 12-step recovery approach. What can you expect from this treatment? Understanding the 12-step recovery program and its benefits can help you choose the best path for your recovery.

What is the 12-Step Recovery Treatment?

Recovery is a lifelong process. Our 12-step program for drug addiction in Joliet, Illinois, can help you as you begin your journey. This counselor-delivered, evidence-based curriculum has been proven to effectively reduce subsequent substance use.

Part of our 12-step recovery treatment at Gateway Joliet involves meetings both on-site and in the community. Our program will also provide guidance on how you can incorporate a group into your personal recovery plan. The steps include:

  1. Admitting your lack of power over addiction.
  2. Believing a higher power can help.
  3. Turning over control to the higher power.
  4. Making a personal inventory.
  5. Admitting your wrongs.
  6. Allowing the higher power to correct your shortcomings.
  7. Requesting that the higher power remove these shortcomings.
  8. Making a list of how you have wronged others and preparing to make amends.
  9. Reaching out to those you have hurt, unless this would harm the person.
  10. Taking a personal inventory and admitting your wrongs.
  11. Seeking connection and enlightenment from the higher power via meditation and prayer.
  12. Bringing the message of the program to those in need.

Benefits of the 12-Step Recovery Treatment for Addiction

Recovery from addiction often requires significant lifestyle changes. Though there is no single path to recovery, a 12-step program can help you on your journey by:

  • Providing opportunities to discuss your experiences in meetings.
  • Explaining the concepts, history and role of the 12 steps in addiction recovery.
  • Reducing any anxiety you may have about attending meetings.
  • Lending active support during your initial involvement in the 12-step program.
  • Using a forum to explore concerns and ask questions.
  • Adding structure to your days through fixed meetings.
  • Providing accountability for attendance to help you work toward lifelong addiction recovery.
  • Building a support system and relationships from attending meetings with others and sharing experiences.
  • Providing guidance in developing relationships with peers who have been in addiction recovery for a longer time.
  • Having meetings available in multiple locations and at various times of the day that do not require attendance fees or medical insurance.
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How Gateway Foundation Uses the 12-Step Recovery Program

To sustain a healthy lifestyle after you complete a 12-step recovery treatment, you need to maintain a reliable support network and solid commitment to sobriety. Because addiction is complex, it often requires multiple services for treatment. At Gateway Joliet, we use a combination of services with the 12-step recovery treatment, including:

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Learn More About How We can Help

Our compassionate staff will support you every step of the way as you work toward a drug- or alcohol-free life. Contact us at Gateway Foundation for additional information about our 12-step recovery treatment for addiction in Joliet, Illinois.

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