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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Jacksonville, IL

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Man thinking and listening to his therapist

Inpatient Versus Outpatient

At Gateway Foundation in Jacksonville, IL, we are proud to offer a variety of treatment programs specially designed to assist patients working their way toward recovery. If you are ready to take this brave, first step, one of your initial decisions will be choosing between inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment. While both options are highly effective and offer many of the same treatment services, there are distinct benefits for each level of care.

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Inpatient Addiction Treatment in Jacksonville, IL

Inpatient, or residential addiction treatment, is available at our Jacksonville, IL, treatment center. With this level of care, you’ll live in a residential facility for a set amount of time to address the physical, mental and emotional ramifications of addiction. While the length of time varies depending on your individual circumstances, this option offers countless opportunities for support, education and therapy.

Residential treatment provides every aspect of your care in one convenient location. Whether you need a medical checkup or the support of your peers, you won’t have to worry about travel. Everything is available in one spot.

From day one, inpatient treatment includes all our evidence-based addiction treatment services at our Jacksonville Gateway location, including:

Man leading discussion on group therapy

Pros of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient addiction rehab is an excellent choice if you have relapsed in the past, don’t have a strong support system at home or have a severe addiction to drugs or alcohol. This level of care offers many distinct advantages, including:

  • Reduced number of temptations
  • Sober environment to seek recovery
  • 24/7 support system and constant supervision
  • On-site medical and psychological care
  • A full schedule of treatment, therapy and peer support providing structure to your day
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Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Jacksonville, IL

Outpatient addiction treatment options are ideal if you want to get clean without giving up your independent life. You do not live at a treatment facility, such as inpatient rehab. Instead, you receive the same level of attention and care in just a few sessions each week.

Our outpatient program is intensive. During these times, we address underlying issues that may have led to addiction, target lingering mental health conditions and help you find the strength you need to reclaim your life from addiction.

Many of the outpatient services offered at our Jacksonville center are similar to those provided within our inpatient treatment. During your time with us, your individually designed program could include:

Man making a phone call

Pros of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Outpatient addiction rehab is an excellent option if you are in the earlier stages of addiction. It’s also ideal if you feel you can’t give up your home or professional responsibilities to get help. Our outpatient care provides incredible benefits, including:

  • Flexibility for professionals and students
  • Around the clock support
  • Affordability
  • Access to the same evidence-based services provided to inpatient patients
  • An ongoing support network
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Learn About Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Options at Our Jacksonville Center

Whether you need the flexibility of outpatient care or the accountability of a residential treatment program, Gateway Foundation in Jacksonville, IL, is here for you. If you’re ready to take this life-changing step, we invite you to contact us online or give us a call at 217-286-6991.