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Substance Misuse Treatment Options in Gurnee, IL

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If you are ready to put an end to drug addiction and its hold on your life, this bold move takes courage and determination. However, quitting drugs isn’t something you need to do on your own. The professionals and addiction experts at Gateway Foundation in Gurnee, IL, are here to help. We offer evidence-based substance misuse treatment and personalized care to help you combat the disease of addiction and find the road to recovery once and for all.

What Is Substance Misuse?

Substance misuse isn’t just an addiction to drugs. It’s a complex brain disorder characterized by compulsive drug use despite its negative consequences on your life. While the path to addiction is different for everyone, with a variety of variables and triggers contributing to a person’s drug use, the result is the same. Repeated use and misuse of an addictive substance changes the way your brain functions. This leads to intense cravings and a loss of control as the brain is hijacked from its normal operations.

Treatment Options Available for Substance Use

If you live in Gurnee, IL, and you struggle with substance misuse, finding effective care is the most important step to lifelong healing and freedom.

Overcoming drug addiction alone can be dangerous, and the withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings often lead to relapse. However, substance misuse is a disease that can be treated with the right combination of evidence-based medical services and compassionate therapy.

A holistic approach offers those struggling with substance addiction their best chance at a successful recovery. That means your drug addiction treatment should include:

  • Medical care
  • Therapeutic services
  • Peer support
  • Help finding joy and fulfillment in sobriety
  • Exposure of underlying issues and triggers

Drug Misuse Treatment Options at Gateway Foundation in Gurnee, IL

Substance addiction is a disease that varies from person to person. A cookie-cutter approach just won’t cut it. At Gateway Foundation, we believe treatment should be as unique as you are. That’s why we offer a wide variety of holistic programs and services aimed at giving you the best possible chance for success.

The first step is finding an appropriate level of care. If you are unable to walk away from your personal or professional responsibilities, outpatient treatment offers the same clinically proven addiction services while allowing you to live your life. Inpatient treatment programs like those offered at our Lake Villa location provide 24/7 support and accountability. It is a great option if you have relapsed in the past or if you have a severe drug addiction.

During your treatment program, we work with you to determine the best combination of evidence-based therapies and services to ensure your treatment is as effective as possible, including:

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Contact Our Gurnee Substance Use Addiction Rehab Center Today

We want you to experience freedom from substance misuse. If you’re ready to take the first step in your lifelong journey of recovery, Gateway Foundation in Gurnee, IL, is here to help. Don’t let this disease rob you and your loved ones of one more day. Contact us online or give us a call at 855.944.3537.