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What to Look for in Outpatient Rehabilitation in Chicago, IL

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The Gateway Chicago River North outpatient rehabilitation center in Chicago, IL, specializes in outpatient treatments for people recovering from addiction. Our flexible program model allows you to schedule morning, afternoon or evening appointments to fit your schedule. Learn more about outpatient rehab and our approach at Gateway.

What Is Outpatient Rehabilitation?

In outpatient rehabilitation, you attend treatment services on an appointment basis while living at home. You will receive outpatient services a set number of hours and days per week. This program model can include medical services such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and behavioral treatments such as counseling.

The Role of Outpatient Rehab in Addiction Treatment

Outpatient rehab can play the exact role in your treatment that you need it to. Some patients take part in outpatient care as part of a transition from residential care to maintenance. Others begin with outpatient services and count on them as their main recovery resource. When we develop your personalized treatment plan, we’ll discuss your options with you to find a program model that works for your recovery needs and schedule. You can choose from these three types of outpatient programs, listed in increasing intensity:

  1. Standard outpatient services
  2. Intensive outpatient services
  3. Partial hospitalization

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab Centers

Many patients consider outpatient rehab an ideal choice for recovery because of advantages such as:

  • Flexibility. Outpatient providers such as Gateway offer flexible, appointment-based scheduling that enables you to handle your daily obligations while getting treatment. You can ask about a treatment center’s different programs to see if they have a program schedule that would work for your day-to-day life.
  • Added structure. Compared to going through recovery without professional support, outpatient treatment provides extra structure as you recover. Your outpatient program will keep you accountable and give you ongoing support as you start this new chapter in your life.
  • Affordability. The services in an outpatient program tend to cost less than inpatient options. Keep in mind that if you think that inpatient would fit your needs better, you can look into addiction treatment insurance coverage.
woman speaking to a group of people while holding tissues

How to Choose an Outpatient Rehab Center

Every outpatient treatment provider has a unique approach to care and different levels of experience in the field. Weigh these factors when looking for an outpatient rehabilitation center in Chicago and beyond:

  • Care network: If you’re considering outpatient services as part of your transition from inpatient treatment to maintenance, see if your provider offers outpatient services. They might also have an outpatient treatment center in their network.
  • Facility philosophy: You can also look into a potential treatment center’s approach to their services. Do they use evidence-based treatments? How do they handle patient relationships?
  • Experience and certification: A treatment center’s credentials will also impact the services that they provide. How many years of experience do they have? Do they have any certifications?
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Our Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services in Chicago, IL

Gateway Chicago River North offers multiple levels of outpatient care to provide the structure you need to have a successful recovery. We welcome all interested people in recovery to reach out to us with any questions about our programs. To learn more about our services, contact our staff online or call us at 877-381-6538.