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Sober Living Resources for Chicago, IL Residents

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Seeking treatment for addiction is a vital step toward a life of freedom. Many patients end their time in rehab feeling hopeful and excited about beginning the next chapter — but not everyone feels quite ready to tackle it independently. The outside world holds responsibilities and challenges that can be difficult to balance on top of a new lifestyle.

At Gateway Foundation, we provide practical resources to help patients in the Chicago area experience the freedom of living sober. From sober living homes to community resources, you will never have to face recovery alone.

What Is Sober Living?

Sober living homes provide the ideal bridge to help ease the transition from rehab to regular life. Upon completing treatment, patients can choose to move into a sober living home, which typically includes a community of people who are also making this transition. Addiction counselors often manage sober living homes to oversee residents, run meetings and perform drug testing. 

Joining a sober living community doesn’t mean taking a break from responsibility. Residents must commit to staying sober, helping around the home and gradually returning to work or school. Sober living homes prepare residents to become more confident as they step into their new lives.

How Sober Living Impacts Addiction Treatment

Transitioning directly from addiction treatment to normal life can be jolting. This is particularly true for patients who have decided to change their social groups in order to avoid unhealthy triggers.

Our addiction treatment staff understand the challenges of this transition. That’s why we’re committed to creating a supportive community that reaches far beyond the in-patient treatment experience. Sober living homes can have a monumental impact on a patient’s recovery journey and overall quality of life.

Sober living provides:

  • Structure: Living with addiction can be unpredictable. Sober living homes can help you rebuild a sense of stability.
  • Support: Many residents appreciate the comfort of living among peers who face similar challenges.
  • Safety: You can continue to focus on recovery while staying away from any triggers.
  • Stress relief: While sober living comes with responsibilities, you won’t be given more than you can handle. Over time, you’ll take on more duties until you feel ready to return home.
Therapist with clipboard leading group therapy session

Sober Living Resources for Chicago, IL Residents

At Gateway Foundation, our Chicago Kedzie sober living center offers a variety of resources to support our patients throughout their recovery. Our goal is to help individuals achieve successful sober living long after they’ve left our program. 

Sober Living Homes

After completing treatment, you’re invited to join our sober living home. Our Chicago Kedzie location is a welcoming sober living and recovery facility staffed by qualified medical professionals and support specialists. Our staff offers specialized services designed to help residents develop the strategies they need for long-term success within a safe environment.

Outpatient Resources

Sober living residents can access a number of resources and treatments, including individual and group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy and 12 step facilitation. Your care plan will be personalized to your unique needs and goals.

Alumni Support

Community plays an incredibly significant role in long-term recovery. That’s why we foster a spirit of support and connection within our alumni community. We invite program alumni to stay involved in our sober community through weekly meetings, social events and continued counseling opportunities. Alumni are also welcome to join our sober living communities, if needed.

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Learn More About Sober Living in Chicago, IL

For many patients, sober living serves as a safe bridge between rehab and regular life. If you would like to learn more about sober living in Chicago, contact us today and begin your journey to recovery.