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How to Find Drug Rehab Centers in Chicago, IL

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Drug Rehab Centers in Chicago, IL

The journey to recovery starts with a single step. If you’re searching for a safe and supportive place to heal from drug addiction, Gateway Foundation can help. Our drug addiction rehab center in Chicago offers compassionate care to individuals who are ready to start the recovery journey.

Depressed woman looking out window

What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that can lead to chemical changes in the brain. These long-term changes challenge an individual’s ability to resist drugs and can impact learning, memory, decision-making and behavioral choices.

People who struggle with drug addiction find it difficult to stop misusing the substance, even if it puts their safety at risk or negatively impacts other areas of their life. Over time, individuals may feel they’ve lost control over their lives — but it’s always possible to start the journey of reclaiming your mental, physical and emotional health.

Group therapy session listening to woman tell story

Common Signs of Drug Addiction

Every individual reacts differently to the disease of addiction, and not every instance of substance use leads to misuse and addiction. While certain individuals are predisposed to addiction based on factors like family history, mental health disorders and environmental factors, people of all backgrounds battle drug addiction.

Common signs of drug addiction include:

  • Feeling a frequent urge to use drugs
  • Feeling a lack of control over how often you take drugs
  • Lack of interest in previous activities, hobbies or people
  • Acting impulsively when under the influence of drugs
  • Continuing to use drugs even when doing so has a negative impact on other areas of your life
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit
  • Being willing to steal or lie in order to obtain drugs

Drug Addiction Services and Treatments

While drug addiction is a chronic condition, professional treatment can help you overcome addiction and learn strategies to stay drug-free long-term. Treatment and services for drug addiction differ according to individual needs, but many treatment plans include a combination of:

Detoxification and Withdrawal Management

Clearing your body of drug toxins is essential but often uncomfortable. Undergoing withdrawal and addressing withdrawal symptoms in a medically supervised environment helps ensure you stay safe during the process.


Many drug addiction treatments include a combination of chemical dependency treatment and behavioral therapy. Options may include individual and group therapy, trauma therapy, motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Self-Help Groups

Long-term recovery often involves community support in the form of weekly meetings and group therapies. Licensed alcohol and drug counselors typically lead these sessions to help target the root causes of the addiction and help you develop effective coping skills.

How to Find Drug Rehab Centers in Chicago, IL

If you’re looking for drug rehab centers in Chicago, consider the following factors:

  • Location: Do you want to be close to home or do you need a break from your normal environment?
  • Type of treatment program: Some facilities offer both inpatient and outpatient care, while others exclusively provide one or the other. It’s important to consider what kind of therapy you’re comfortable with and whether you can commit to a long-term or short-term stay.
  • Level of medical care: Individual patients need varying levels of medical support, depending on the severity of the addiction as well as any co-occurring disorders. If you expect to need medical supervision and assistance available around the clock, look for facilities that offer this service.
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Start Your Recovery Journey at Our Chicago Kedzie Location

At Gateway Foundation, our Chicago Kedzie facility is fully staffed with expert medical professionals as well as licensed clinical professional counselors. We’re committed to providing individualized care that addresses every aspect of recovery — from your physical health to your mental, emotional and social well-being. Reach out to Gateway Foundation today to get started.