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Substance Use Disorder Treatment Options in Chicago, IL

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Once addiction takes hold, it can feel impossible to break free. If you’ve had enough and you’re ready to walk the road to recovery, we applaud your courage and determination, and you don’t have to fight this battle alone. 

At Gateway Foundation in Chicago, IL, our expert addiction professionals offer evidence-based based treatment for substance use and drug addiction. Your road to recovery is paved with personalized care provided by those who want to see you find a healthier, happier tomorrow.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Many paths lead to a life of addiction. Whether you initially used drugs to feel good, combat depression or felt pressure from your friends, the result is often the same. That’s because substance use is not a personality flaw or a moral failing — it’s a chronic brain disorder. 

Repeated use of addictive substances like drugs changes your brain’s motivational drive, leading to compulsive drug-seeking behaviors. The disease of addiction is characterized by intense cravings and a loss of control as drugs hijack your brain’s normal functions. If left untreated, drug use disorder can last a lifetime or lead to death. Thankfully, with professional treatment, many find a better road that leads to recovery. 

Drug Use Treatment

If you live in Chicago, IL, Gateway Foundation is here to help you find the road to lifelong healing and freedom from drug addiction. 

Some people attempt to quit drugs on their own. However, the withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings often lead to relapse and can even be dangerous when confronted without professional medical supervision. 

A holistic approach to drug use disorder treatment that addresses the body, mind and spirit is the best way to confront the disease of addiction and help you find the strength to overcome it. With the right combination of evidence-based services and therapeutic techniques, you have a better chance at a successful recovery. Drug use treatment should include:

  • Medical services
  • Compassionate therapy to expose issues and triggers that lead to addiction
  • A recovery plan to help find joy and fulfillment in sobriety
  • Peer support
  • Aftercare services post-treatment
Doctor speaking to her client

Treatment Options for Substance Use Disorder at Gateway Foundation in Chicago, IL

From the student addicted to study drugs to the mom using alcohol to cope with stress, addiction is a disease that varies from person to person. A one-size-fits-all approach to substance use disorder treatment just won’t cut it. Our Chicago Independence center specializes in personalized addiction treatment programs catered to the unique needs of the individual. By offering a wide variety of holistic programs and services, we give patients their best chance for success.

First, you must decide if you want the 24/7 support of a residential program or the independence and flexibility of outpatient care. We then tailor your treatment to suit you with a combination of evidence-based therapies and services, including:

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Learn More About Substance Use Treatment at Our Chicago Independence Center

Independence from drugs is possible — and we can help. At Gateway Foundation in Chicago, IL, we want you to experience freedom from your substance use disorder so that you can live a happier, healthier life. If you would like to learn more, please contact us online or give us a call at 773.867.5115.