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Alcohol Rehab Centers in Bloomington, IL

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We can Help

While you can attempt to pursue recovery from alcohol addiction with the help of a relative or friend or on your own, you are more likely to be successful if you seek professional help at an alcohol rehab center. At Gateway Foundation’s alcohol rehab center of Bloomington, you can expect guidance and assistance through each of the stages on your path to overcoming alcohol addiction.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a disease that can affect anyone. While a variety of factors may predispose someone to develop an alcohol addiction, such as genetics, socioeconomics, race and gender, the disease does not have a single cause. An addiction to alcohol can change an individual’s neurochemistry and prevent them from being in control of their own actions.

Long term effects of alcohol addiction include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Memory problems
  • Susceptibility to disease
  • Inflammation of the liver
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Inflammation of the pancreas

Alcohol addiction is defined by how drinking affects a person’s life rather than how much the person drinks or how frequently. If a person’s alcohol consumption causes issues with their finances, emotions, work life or family relationships, they may have an alcohol use disorder.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Are you concerned that you or a loved one may have an alcohol addiction? Below are signs of an addiction to alcohol:

  • Feeling a strong or overwhelming urge to consume alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop drinking
  • Having a difficult time controlling how much alcohol you consume
  • Being unable to finish assignments or tasks at work, school or home
  • Wanting to drink less alcohol or stop drinking but not being able to
  • Avoiding social activities, hobbies or work due to alcohol consumption
  • Consuming alcohol while swimming, driving or in a similarly dangerous situation
  • Continuing to drink alcohol despite its negative physical or social consequences
  • Spending a lot of time drinking, looking for or recovering from using alcohol

Services and Treatments Available at the Bloomington, IL, Rehab Center for Alcohol Addiction

At the alcohol rehab center in Bloomington, IL, we offer the following services and treatments for those struggling with alcohol addiction:

  • Detox and withdrawal: Treatment at the rehab center may start with detoxification. Detoxification is a withdrawal that is medically monitored, and you may be given medication at this stage to prevent or reduce your withdrawal symptoms.
  • Oral medications: Additionally, you may take medications that can reduce your urge to consume alcohol. These medications help you overcome your cravings or cause a terrible reaction when you drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is also referred to as talk therapy and is used to treat co-occurring mental health illnesses.
  • Support groups: Participating in a support group can allow you to manage or prevent relapses and abstain from drinking. A support group may also help you make necessary lifestyle changes.
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How Services and Treatments are Used at the Alcohol Rehab Center in Bloomington, IL

At Gateway Foundation’s Bloomington Center, we have been helping those on the road to recovery for more than 50 years. To assist you in your journey toward overcoming alcohol addiction, we offer the following evidence-based services and treatments:

Man making a phone call

Learn More About How We can Help

We can offer you personalized care through a combination of services to help you work toward recovery. Contact us at Gateway Foundation today for additional information about the rehab center for alcohol addiction in Bloomington, IL.

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