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Give to Gateway

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Donate Now

Welcome to the giving section of our website. At Gateway Foundation we have been saving lives for over five decades. Our goal is to continue providing the highest quality treatment there is, to as many people as possible. We can only achieve this with the support and generosity of people like you.

Over 22 million Americans suffer from some type of substance use disorder but only 11% ever access treatment. Prior to the global pandemic that took the world by surprise in 2020, there were approximately 70,000 overdose deaths annually. In 2021, the CDC reported over 107,000 deaths. Why are more people dying and so few accessing treatment? Reasons include lack of information, fear and stigma. However, a large factor is limited quality treatment options, especially for those who are uninsured and underinsured. Addressing this last barrier to help is where Gateway’s non-profit work is so critically important and why we need your continued support.

We invite you to learn how to get involved, give back and engage with Gateway Foundation to help us achieve our vision and mission. Explore opportunities to get involved and take some time to learn about addiction medicine and how it saves lives. You can be a part of the solution.

Learn more about Gateway Foundation and ways to contribute:

Please contact the Development Department at 312-663-1130 ext. 5397 with any donation questions.


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