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Voice of Recovery: Nicks Success Story

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Nicks Success Story: Breaking the Cycle

Addiction was nothing new to Nick. His father drank routinely, and after watching his family fall apart, Nick told himself he would never drink or do drugs. Yet, as the stress of school, friends and the pressure to fit in grew stronger, he fell victim to the disease of addiction. Beginning in the ninth grade, he connected with a new crowd that introduced him to drugs such as Xanax and Vicodin. At 17, Nick’s habit had already spun out of control.

As the days passed, Nick found himself living in his car or in jail. He overdosed eight or nine times.

“It’s a blessing I’m still here today,” he says.

When Nick almost found himself in prison with nowhere to turn to, he decided it was time to finally get help.

“I know I am a decent person, and I shouldn’t be putting myself through this anymore,” he remembers thinking.

How Nick Found Change at Gateway

With a new will to change, listen and become vulnerable, Nick checked into Gateway. After trying multiple rehab facilities, it was the Young Men’s Bridge Program at Gateway Lake Villa that finally clicked. This time, he had the opportunity to connect with other young people on a deeper level, fostering friendships and listening to other stories of struggle and triumph. He realized that he was not alone.

After treatment, Nick is back in school and giving back. He works in tandem with Marty Cook, director of alumni events at Gateway, to coordinate recovery events such as CrossFit, community talks, yoga, and kickball. He has become a role model for other young people struggling with addiction or recovery, to help them also realize they are not alone.

Use Nicks Success Story to Inspire Change

While Nicks success story is unique to him, Gateway can help write one for you or someone you love. Call us today at 877.505.4673.

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Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help