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Common Hiding Spots for Drugs: A Guide for Parents

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If you are a parent and are worried because your child has been acting differently than usual, you may be wondering how to interpret their changes in mood or a new group of friends. Depending on the circumstances and your observations, you might even believe it’s time to look for stash spots for drugs around the home or in your child’s space. If that’s the case, this guide will give you an idea of some common hiding places.

Why Do Addicts Hide Their Drugs?

Addiction sufferers who are living at home or in a place their parents can visit will sometimes go to considerable lengths to hide their drugs and paraphernalia. In some cases, someone living with addiction may feel shame or may not be ready to admit they have a problem. Often, they do not want to face the situation in which a loved one asks them to seek help.

Children living at home may use hiding places for drugs simply because they’re afraid of getting in trouble or losing their stash. A child may also maintain a hiding spot so they can access their drugs when they feel the need for more.

Where Do Drug Addicts Usually Hide Their Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia?

Some drug addicts may simply keep their hoard in a place of easy opportunity. Some will go further and seek out “how to hide drugs from your parents” tips online or from friends. These stash spots may be hard to find, but it’s important to locate them all, especially if your child is going to be in recovery and you want to maintain a drug-free space where they can focus on treatment.

Here are some places you will want to check:

  • Mattresses: Items may be stored under the mattress and bedding, or slits can be made in the mattress to store items inside.
  • Books: Thick books may have pages cut out of them to store drugs.
  • Toys: Slits can be made in plush toys to hide baggies and vials.
  • Desks: Feel around inside drawers and be sure to check the backs and undersides. It’s also wise to unscrew pens and markers, as drugs can be stored in emptied pens or highlighters and the hollow tube used for snorting.
  • Wrappers and containers: Cans, packets of breath mints and boxes of snacks can all hide drugs and paraphernalia.
  • Vents and outlets: Any part of the house which can be easily unscrewed can make a handy hiding spot. The toilet tank and behind the toilet are also common locations.
  • Art and posters: Some powders can be flattened and stored in picture frames or in small holes in the wall, which can be covered with art or posters.
  • Clothing: Special compartments can be made in belt buckles. Drugs can also be easily hidden in deep pockets or interior pockets.
  • Personal items: A makeup kit, personal hygiene bag or container of feminine hygiene products are ideal hiding spots because they have many compartments and few people give them a second look.
  • Cars: Cars have many potential stash spots, including glove compartments, trunks, under the rugs, and under or between the seats.

If you discover drugs in the home and want to seek treatment for your child, contact Gateway of Illinois or call us at 877.381.6538. We have more than 50 years of success helping people reclaim their lives through personalized treatment, and we also offer extensive therapy to explore and address the root causes of drug abuse.

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