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Deal with Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms in Treatment

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The decision to stop using heroin is one that no one should take lightly. Still, it’s absolutely necessary or the addiction sufferer faces some potentially severe repercussions from their addiction. As the addict will soon discover, getting past heroin withdrawal symptoms might end up being the biggest challenge. That’s when you need drug addiction treatment centers. The discussion below will focus on dealing with the withdrawal process.

Dealing With Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

As most doctors would concur, a wise individual will seek help with the withdrawal process. It’s just too dangerous for the average person to go through withdrawal on their own. Can you die from heroin withdrawal? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Some of the more extreme withdrawal symptoms can create health issues that could lead to death.

What kind of heroin withdrawal symptoms should one expect to encounter? To answer this question, we list a few of the most common but dangerous withdrawal symptoms. From this list, the inherent dangers should be clear:

  • Hallucinations and nightmares
  • Breathing and heart rate problems
  • Psychological issues like depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts
  • Tremors and convulsions
  • Severe muscle and stomach cramping
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Sleeping issues like insomnia

Clearly, heroin withdrawal symptoms are not something you should tackle on your own.

Heroin Withdrawal Treatment

The excellent news is there’s plenty of quality Withdrawal Management programs to help an addict get safely past heroin withdrawal symptoms. At Gateway, our treatment centers, including our heroin addiction treatment centers in Illinois, offer Withdrawal Management for patients.

For those patients that do need monitored heroin withdrawal treatment, doctors will be in charge of monitoring the process with Medication-Assisted Treatment. The goal is to get all patients past their cravings and withdrawal symptoms with a minimum of discomfort. Should the patient experience pain or sleep issues, the medical staff has the option to prescribe medications to alleviate problems.

Getting Treatment at Gateway

At our nonprofit Gateway facilities, we offer the best in addiction treatment care possible, starting with helping you with heroin withdrawal symptoms. We design our programs around a 12 step addiction treatment program with the goal of instilling recovery structure into our patient’s lives. To this end, we offer the following services:

If you are done with being a victim to the cycle of heroin addiction, it’s time for you to seek help. At Gateway, we can help you with your heroin withdrawal symptoms and the necessary addiction therapy services you will need. Working together, we can get you on to the road to recovery. For more information, contact one of our staff members at 877.505.4673.

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