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Dual Diagnosis Treatment

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People who experience both mental health and substance use disorders don’t need treatment for one disorder and then the other. Instead, they need treatment for both disorders at the same time. For this reason, Gateway Foundation offers dual diagnosis treatment in a truly integrated manner. We use an interdisciplinary, team-based approach that includes doctors, psychologists, and licensed clinical staff. Rather than relying on idiosyncratic manuals with bits and pieces of evidence-based practices, Gateway Foundation uses training and fidelity monitoring to ensure high-quality treatment. This allows professionals at our drug and alcohol rehab centers to get the best results. According to independent agencies, our addiction treatment programs are rated to meet the highest standards for integrated care, and our outcomes vastly surpass those of our competitors.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Gateway Foundation

At Gateway Foundation, gains that are obtained in treating the substance use disorder produce gains in treating the mental health condition, and vice-versa, which leads to synergistic effects. Our clinical model faithfully utilizes a variety of evidence-based addiction therapy services for co-occurring disorders, including:

From assessment through discharge planning, our team works together to address mental health and substance use disorders. This results in a seamless continuum of care.

Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

People who participate in substance use disorder treatment programs at Gateway Foundation learn skills they can use to address real-world situations, including practical techniques for navigating interpersonal relationships and making more satisfying life choices. Our patients walk away with concrete strategies that help them feel better, improve relationships with loved ones, and work toward their goals. Moreover, our collaborative and patient-centered approach builds motivation to change behavior and increases confidence in making positive changes.

What the Research Says

Nearly 40 percent of individuals with substance use disorders also experience mental health conditions, and approximately 7.9 million Americans experience these co-occurring disorders. Scientific studies have proven that integrated treatment results in the following benefits:

  • Reduced substance use
  • Fewer hospitalizations
  • Improved functioning
  • Improved quality of life

Get Help Today

Gateway Foundation is the first and only provider in the state of Illinois, and one of the few in the nation, to obtain the highest designation for dual diagnosis treatment centers. Although co-occurring disorders can make addiction recovery seem impossible, our compassionate professionals are ready to help. Contact Gateway Foundation today at 877.505.4673.

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Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help