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Starting Fresh in Chicago: Help for Recovering Windy City

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Recovery from addiction is different for every person. No two journeys will ever be the same. Everyone recovers at their own pace, but there’s one thing all recovering addicts have in common: their desire to start a life of sobriety.

Having the right resources and support to prevent the chances of relapse is vital for success. Some people may choose to go to sober living homes, while others may seek ongoing therapy and counseling with 12-step programs. If you’re looking to start again and become sober once and for all, here are a few tips that can help you walk that journey successfully.

Avoid Triggers by Living in a Supportive and Sober Environment

The most important thing to do when recovering from addiction is to stay away from triggering environments and find support in sober environments. This is different for everyone, but staying in a sober living facility is usually the best transition environment when recovering from addiction.

The peace of mind you get from knowing that alcohol and drugs aren’t allowed in your place of residence helps you focus on other essential aspects of your life, such as work, friends, family, sobriety and even faith. 

After treatment, you’ll need to be in a safe environment free of alcohol and drugs so that you can recover and establish long-term sobriety. Finding a place where drugs aren’t used in Chicago is hard, and living alone in an isolated place isn’t advisable either. The best solution is to join a sober living home, free of any alcohol or drugs. 

For sober living in Chicago, Gateway has sober living homes where young adults and adults can get a chance to recover away from the scrutiny and pressure of friends and family. We provide all the tools and resources you need to make a healthy recovery. Our homes are run by a team of professionals who help residents remain sober.

Join a 12-Step Program

If you genuinely want to recover, it’s essential to work on your progress so that you can remain sober in the long-term. Staying with a 12-step program can reduce the chances of relapse and increases the chances of successful addiction recovery.

The 12-step program is an ongoing addiction treatment process that requires commitment and dedication. You can begin the 12-step program immediately after rehab to help you stay on course and anchored to your resolve to lead a sober life.

Be Patient With Yourself

Recovery from addiction isn’t easy. Be patient with yourself. Everyone’s journey is different. Just because someone took two weeks, it doesn’t mean you’ll take the same time to recover from something that has been a part of you for so long.

Relapse isn’t the end of the road. Be patient with yourself and take the right measures to get back on the right path to recovery with the help of professionals.

To learn more about Chicago sober living, feel free to call our qualified therapists at 877-352-9566 or reach out to us on our contact page to get the help you need.

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Addiction Destroys Dreams, We Can Help