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The Importance of Alumni Groups

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The path of recovery is often paved with many different experiences and emotions. The goal throughout the entire journey remains constant — to achieve freedom from addiction.

While rehabilitation is typically short term, addiction can continue to impact various areas of your life. That’s why  programs will often offer alumni groups to individuals who have successfully completed treatment. With these groups, alumni are able to stay connected to the rehab center and gain the support and encouragement they need to continue on the road of recovery.

Benefits of Joining an Alumni Association

Alumni groups can serve an important role in helping you achieve success in your personal recovery journey. Joining an alumni community can be beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Serve as a transition into regular life: After battling addiction and going through treatment, the transition back into regular life may feel like a rude awakening. An alumni recovery group can help smooth the transition by keeping you in contact with the rehab center and allowing you to participate in structured events and activities so you don’t feel alone throughout the process.
  • Receive continued support: Many times, recovery groups allow you to stay in contact with not only the treatment center, but also the staff who helped you throughout your program.
  • Learn from others: In your group, you can receive encouragement and advice from those who have successfully completed recovery programs. These individuals can share their knowledge and guidance, which you can apply to your own journey.
  • Assist others: In your recovery group, you can inspire others to get help or continue their sobriety by offering words of encouragement and advice that you have found helpful.
  • Practice relapse prevention and real-life skills: Following rehabilitation, alumni groups provide a safe space to practice the relapse prevention skills you have learned. These include everything from stress management to social skills to cognitive coping.
  • Celebrate successes: Being part of a group allows you to celebrate each member’s successes in a positive, supportive community.
  • Connect in person: Many groups will have volunteer opportunities or gatherings where members can meet up and connect in person.
  • Form lifelong connections: As you learn from others and share your own story, you will form lifelong connections with people who understand your struggles and personal journey. Having support like this is a key to preventing relapse.

Learn More About the Alumni Community at Gateway Foundation

At Gateway Foundation, we are with you for life. We offer evidence-based treatments that include medication and therapy, and our caring, compassionate staff treats each person’s unique physical, emotional and social needs.

We also know that recovery is a lifelong process that requires support, focus and commitment. That’s why we encourage each Gateway graduate to join our alumni community. You can participate in activities, events and other programs to receive support and offer encouragement to others.

If you have any questions about our program or would like more information on how to join Gateway’s alumni community, please contact us today!

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