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How to Deal With Insomnia During Substance Abuse Recovery

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Why Is Sleep Vital During Recovery?

Sleep is essential during recovery. You require adequate rest during the early recovery phase to enable your body to perform vital tasks that speed your recovery.

The brain plays a vital role in your recuperation. It takes in lots of information that needs to be sorted to help you recover. While sleeping, the brain sorts out this information faster and more effectively, improving your recovery time.

Also, the brain is responsible for regulating enzymes and hormones in the body while we’re asleep. Getting enough sleep enables your mind to perform these functions better, which also speeds recovery.

Lack of enough sleep can lead to anxiety, impulsivity, poor emotional regulation, and depression, all of which can increase the chances of relapse.

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that results in poor-quality sleep, staying awake for longer hours due to a lack of sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, finding it hard to return to sleep, and waking up very early in the morning.

A study conducted by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) shows that about 60 million Americans experience insomnia every year.

Types of Insomnia

You can experience two types of insomnia: Acute insomnia, which is short-term insomnia, and chronic insomnia, which is ongoing.

Acute insomnia is more common and mild, and it may go away after a few days or weeks without any treatment. Acute insomnia can result from environmental factors like noise or extreme temperatures, work-related anxiety or emotional discomfort.

Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, is prolonged and may cause a lack of sleep for up to three nights per week for several months. This type of insomnia requires treatment for it to go away. Chronic insomnia can be caused by mental health problems, trauma, specific medication, alcoholic insomnia caused by consuming too much alcohol, and a poor sleeping environment.

Symptoms of Insomnia

The symptoms of insomnia generally include:

  • Lack of asleep at night
  • Waking up too early
  • Inability to pay attention
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Frequently waking up at night

Why Is Insomnia Common During Substance Abuse Recovery?

Insomnia is five times more likely to occur in a person during substance abuse recovery than any other time, according to research conducted by the Journal of Addiction Medicine.

Sleeping disorders are a withdrawal symptom for people recovering from drug abuse involving substances such as alcohol, opioids and cannabis. Recovery from addiction to these drugs can affect a person’s sleeping patterns for extended periods.

When using drugs, the body’s sleeping pattern is affected. When you stop using these drugs, the body starts to change its normal functions to adjust to a regular sleep rhythm. This adjustment, in turn, disrupts your sleeping patterns.

How to Cope With Insomnia After Drug Addiction

Withdrawal insomnia is a temporary condition. This condition should not be treated using drugs. There are many ways to cure insomnia without using drugs. If you follow these tips for good sleep, then it will be easy to speed up your insomnia recovery.

Below are some ways to deal with insomnia and tips for better sleep after a history with drug addiction:

  • Avoid caffeine: You can drink warm caffeine-free tea before going to bed. You should also maintain a balanced diet with supplements like melatonin that can help you go to sleep faster.
  • Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular mind and body practice sessions like yoga, massage therapy, and relaxation techniques can help address sleep problems.
  • Have a conducive sleeping environment: You should sleep in a dark, quiet room with the right temperatures.
  • Wind down before sleeping: Taking a warm bath or doing a relaxation exercise before bed can get your mind and body in the right mood to sleep.

Contact Gateway Foundation Today

Withdrawal insomnia can easily lead to relapse. If you or your loved one is experiencing withdrawal insomnia resulting from a history with drug addiction, don’t allow room for relapse. We’re here to help you fight the urge to relapse. Contact Gateway Foundation by calling us at 877.379.6911 or complete our contact form. We’ll help you cure withdrawal insomnia while ensuring you remain sober.

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