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What We Treat

Gateway Foundation is a recognized leader in evidence-based treatment proven to get results. Drawing from science and research-based models, we practice innovative and specialized treatment modalities across a full continuum of care – detox, residential, outpatient, virtual outpatient and sober living. We’ve been proven experts in Addiction Medicine for over 50 years with multiple locations through out Illinois.

Jacksonville Gateway's waiting room

What is addiction?

Addiction is a disease that changes the brain by undermining the way it registers pleasure and influences learning and motivation.

Everyone’s path to addiction is different but has one thing in common: continued use of substances over time. Regardless of why someone first uses a substance, even if it is a prescribed drug, the brain starts to change with the initial use and continues to change in both structure and function over time.

Just as cardiovascular disease damages the heart and diabetes impairs the pancreas, addiction hijacks the brain. It is important to recognize that addiction is a disease and not a choice. Just like with any disease, getting the right treatment is vital to recovery. Substance abuse treatment programs helps patients put active addiction into remission.

Addiction is not a moral failing. It is a chronic disease that requires medical and professional help.

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Support for a depressed person

Help for Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in America. Excessive drinking—on a single occasion or over a length of time—can lead to serious health problems, chronic diseases and even death. Alcohol abuse also impacts users’ behavior, which can result in accidents and violence. The effects of alcohol addiction are grave and far-reaching. While some people can overcome this addiction on their own, most people need assistance. Substance abuse treatment programs can help end the grips of alcohol on you or a loved one.

The goal of alcohol rehab treatment centers in Illinois is to help you change the way you enjoy life and help you find other ways to fill your life without alcohol. Because each patient is different, their road to recovery is different. So our staff works with you to develop a personalized treatment plan with your needs in mind. 

young woman on couch

Co-ocurring and Dual Diagnosis Services

Dual diagnosis treatment seeks to resolve both addiction and any co-occurring disorders at the same time. This means that addiction doesn’t get 100 percent of the focus during recovery. All too often, patients feel that substance abuse and addiction needs to be the priority. While it should be a priority, treating addiction on its own could end up creating additional problems.

A dual diagnosis treatment plan will use a variety of therapies to target both aspects of co-occurring disorders. Like all treatment plans at Gateway Foundation, patients can expect customized care that addresses their unique needs. 

Man in a group therapy meeting gesturing or asking for help with his mental health. Community of men gather round and listen to therapist discuss coping mechanisms in an social support session

Battling Drug Addiction

Ending a drug addiction is a bold and courageous move, but it isn’t something you need to do on your own. In fact, relying on professionals and addiction experts will make your recovery more relaxed, more comfortable and even more successful. Drug addiction treatment centers like Gateway Foundation offer the support you need to fight back against addiction once and for all.

Drug treatment centers focus on the whole person, which means that all aspects of recovery are covered. At Gateway Foundation, that includes medical support. While drug addiction is not just a physical disease, there is no denying that it can impact your physical health. Addressing physical needs ensures that patients are healthy enough to continue with their ongoing recovery.

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Call Us Today To Find The Right Treatment Plan For You

Let our addiction treatment centers help you take your life back. We have more than five decades of history serving patients in the State of Illinois

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How to Get a Loved One Into Treatment

At Gateway locations, patients can choose to participate in an intensive outpatient program. These programs offer the same addiction therapies and treatments as other successful rehabilitation programs. Some of the many therapies available to patients include:

  • Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse
  • Discover if Your Loved One Wants Rehab
  • Learn the Most Effective Treatment Options
  • Discuss Your Option With a Counselor
  • Create an Intervention Plan
  • Provide Love and Support

Let’s Help Your Loved One Get on the Path to Full Recovery

For more assistance on how to get your loved one into a rehab facility in Illinois, please call our confidential helpline at (888) 527-0458. We’ve been offering life-saving addiction treatment for over 50 years.

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